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Is This Revolutionary Type Of Toothpaste Too Good To Be True?

Cute little girl in pink pyjamas in bathroom brushing her teeth There is a revolutionary type of toothpaste new on the market! And American dentists are unhappy about it because it might deprive them of revenue from some of their regular and lucrative dental procedures. While this claim might just be publicity hype, the toothpaste itself is definitely worth investigating. Apparently, the discovery by Japanese researcher Kazue Yamagishi has some incredible properties, being able to fill small cavities and cracks in the teeth while restoring tooth enamel at the same time. According to this site... The toothpaste contains similar components with the tooth enamel but, because it is in a liquid form, it is easy to apply using your toothbrush. The researcher managed to obtain the formula of the new paste by a series of experiments with hydroxylapatite (otherwise known as crystalline calcium phosphate) which is the main component of the tooth. As soon as the paste is applied to the teeth, it dilutes the acid on the surface of the teeth. After three minutes, the paste starts to crystallize and becomes attached to the structure of the natural enamel.

Does it sound too good to be true?

Perhaps - but I for one am intrigued. While the Japanese researcher will not have her product available until 2017, a similar one is already available online (with good reviews). I am tempted to give it a try! But there are many other ways to care for your teeth on a daily basis...

Coconut oil

As well as killing harmful bacteria, “oil pulling” with coconut oil can improve your dental health, whiten your teeth and reduce or even eliminate bad breath. Oil pulling may also improve a number of health conditions ranging from eczema to arthritis through its effect on oral bacteria. It may even work its magic on thrush (Candida) when it occurs in the mouth. If you can imagine a car engine, and how oil lubricates and cleans the engine for so many miles before being changed and fresh oil put in, oil pulling works the same way in our mouths. The oil in the car engine picks up dirt and grime so that when you drain the oil, it pulls out the dirt and grime with it, leaving the engine relatively clean so that the engine runs smoother and lasts longer. In a similar and simple process, oil pulling means that you rinse your mouth out with coconut oil and, if done correctly, this can have a very powerful cleansing and healing effect by detoxifying or cleansing the body. It can help those with asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue, diabetes, migraine headaches, arthritis, PMS, chronic skin problemsas well as dental problems in the mouth. The first thing that most people notice when they start oil pulling is an improvement in their oral health
  • Teeth become whiter.
  • Breath becomes fresher.
  • The tongue and gums take on a healthy pink color.
  • Even problems such as bleeding gums, tooth decay and gum disease are greatly diminished or completely healed.

Why an electric toothbrush is better

Most dentists today will encourage you to use an electric toothbrush. Research by Sheffield University in the UK has concluded that electric rotating brushes reduce 11% more plaque than manual toothbrushes while also significantly reducing gum problems such as gingivitis - results keep on improving the longer you use the brush. If you lack commitment, choose one with a timer to encourage you to brush your teeth for that optimum 2 minutes per session. Brushes with round heads and side-to-side movement are more effective as they surround each tooth as they do their work, cleaning from every side. Don’t be tempted to use your electric brush as if it is a regular brush. Let the electric version do the work for you by placing it next to each tooth in turn.

Other ways to remineralize your teeth

I found several accounts by people who have successfully remineralized their teeth and greatly improved their oral health. One was Katie of WellnessMama who explained the method she used to help heal cavities and improve her oral health:
  • I drastically cut foods that contained phytic acid. I already wasn’t eating grains or beans, but I also cut or limited nuts. Note – people who consume large amounts of phytic acid in the form of grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes have higher rates of tooth decay, mineral deficiencies and osteoporosis.
  • I limited foods containing even natural sugars or starches - fruit and even starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes and focused on mineral rich vegetables, bone broths, meats and healthy fats.
  • I ate a LOT of healthy fats. I added about 1/4 cup extra of coconut oil to my diet each day and used only pastured, cultured butter.
  • I made an effort to consume a lot of homemade bone broth for its added minerals.
To recap:
  • No grains, beans or nuts and limited fruits and starches.
  • Lots of vegetables, protein, healthy fats and bone broth.
Not content with changing her diet alone, Katie went on to increase her mineral levels with some supplements because, as most of us know, many foods are lower in nutrients from being grown in nutrient depleted soil. She recommended:
  • Fermented cod liver oil and butter blend
  • Vitamin D
  • Plenty of organic, virgin and and unrefined coconut oil.


If you would also like to try the new type of toothpaste, and decide on its possible merits for yourself, it can be found online here.