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Instructions for use - Healing Natural Oils

Please read the product instructions below to ensure that you do have sufficient formula.

Select your formula:

H-Warts Formula
H-Skin Tags Formula
H-Hemorrhoids Formula
H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula
H-Fissures Formula
H-Arthritis Formula
H-Psoriasis Formula
H-Eczema Formula
H-Stretch Marks Formula
H-Acne Formula
H-Athlete's Foot Formula
H-Scars Formula
H-Headaches Formula
H-Jock Itch Formula
H-Varicose Veins Formula
H-Insomnia Formula
H-Cellulite Formula
H-Rosacea Formula
H-Nail Fungus Formula
H-Moles Formula
H-Glow Formula
H-Cracked Heels Formula
H-Cold Sores Formula
H-Molluscum Formula
H-Shingles Formula

Sexual Enhancement

Fsensual Formula (Female Sexual Enhancement)
Msensual Formula (Male Sexual Enhancement)

H-Warts Formula (for common and plantar Warts):

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day. Use 1-2 drops on a Q-tip or your finger. Simply dab the top of each wart do not saturate.

It is important not to miss applications

Plantar Warts: At start of treatment, use a pumice stone to remove the top layer, do this only once before the first application.

What to expect:
Warts usually flake away after 2-6 weeks (a little longer for stubborn strains). At first you may not see any change. The formula works from the base of the wart upwards. The warts may get larger, change in color and/or appearance. This is part of the process.

Be patient and persist with applications.

Please note:
If you have purchased the 11ml bottle, you may not have sufficient formula, please read the following:

There are over 80 strains of the wart virus and time for the process differs from strain to strain. Usually it is 2-6 weeks.

H-Warts Formula always works when the instructions are followed.

The 11ml bottle will treat approximately 5-7 warts. If you have multiple warts, you will not have sufficient formula to complete the program.

It is extremely important that you do not miss applications. Most of our customers with multiple warts get the large, 33ml bottle to ensure that they have enough to complete the program.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size
and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Skin Tags Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day. Use 1-2 drops on a Q-tip or your finger. Simply dab the top of each skin tag, do not saturate. It is important not to miss applications.

What to expect:
Skin tags generally flake away after 2-6 weeks (a little longer for stubborn strains). At first you may not see any change. The formula works from the base upwards. The skin tags may get larger, change in color and/or appearance. This is part of the process.

Be patient and persist with applications.

Please note:
If you have purchased the 11ml bottle, you may not have sufficient formula, please read the following:

H Skin Tags always works when the instructions are followed.

The 11ml bottle will treat approximately 5-7 skin tags. If you have multiple skin tags, you will not have sufficient formula to complete the program.

It is extremely important that you do not miss applications. Most of our customers with multiple skin tags get the large, 33ml bottle to ensure that they have enough to complete the program.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Hemorrhoids Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day to the condition using one or two drops on your finger or on a cotton swab.

What to expect:
At first you may not see any change, be patient. Do not miss applications.

If you have any bleeding in the last week (even a small amount , such as spotting on the paper during a bowel movement), you must take care of the bleeding first. The bleeding is caused by the hemorrhoids rupturing creating a secondary condition so you will need to first use the H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula. Use this formula until the bleeding has stopped, and then move over to H-Hemorrhoids Formula which is for the actual hemorrhoids.

(we will add the additional product to your initial purchase, there is no additional shipping and handling charge)

Please note:
If you have purchased the 11ml bottle of H Hemorrhoids, you may not have sufficient formula, please read the following:

H Hemorrhoids will get rid of your hemorrhoids
completely within 2-6 weeks

H-Hemorrhoids Formula always works
when the instructions are followed.

The 11ml bottle will last approximately 3 - 3 1/2 weeks. Most of our customers get the large, 33ml bottle to ensure that they have enough to complete the program. Bare in mind, hemorrhoids may recur, but the good news is that the formula has a long shelf life, and most people will keep the leftover formula in their bathroom cabinet. If the condition recurs and is treated immediately, it will clear within a few days.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day to the condition using one or two drops on your finger or on a cotton swab.

What to expect:

Apply until there is no bleeding for at least 3-5 days, then switch to using the H-Hemorrhoids Formula.

Do not miss one day of application or the process will go back by a few days.

For bleeding hemorrhoids:
The bleeding is caused by the hemorrhoids rupturing creating a secondary condition. The bleeding must be taken care of first with our H-Bl Hemorrhoids Formula which you use until the bleeding has stopped, and then move over to the H-Hemorrhoids Formula for the actual hemorrhoids.

If you require H-Hemorrhoids Formula, and would like to add it to your purchase, simply click the link below.

(we will add the additional product to your initial purchase, there is no additional shipping and handling charge)

If you have purchased an 11ml H Bleeding hemorrhoids and would like to upgrade to the larger size:

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Fissures Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day directly to the condition using one or two drops of formula on your finger or on a cotton swab.

What to expect:

At first you may not see any change. Be patient, do not miss appications. The process usually takes 2-6 weeks.

If you have purchased an 11ml H-Fissures Formula and would like to upgrade to the larger size:

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Arthritis Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply a few drops to the affected areas three times per day and massage for 10-20 seconds to allow the formula to be fully absorbed. Do not oversaturate.

What to expect:
With regular applications, the formula will alleviate the symptoms of arthritis such as pain and discomfort. Continue use for daily maintenance.

Please Note:
This formula may be used on children ages 4 and over.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

For treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis:

H-Arthritis Formula can be used in conjunction with H-Psoriasis Formula for treatment of psoriatic arthritis symptoms.

If you have purchased H-Arthritis Formula 11ml and wish to add H-Psoriasis Formula to your purchase, please click below:

H-Psoriasis Formula:

How to Apply:
Use your fingers to apply a small amount of formula three times per day directly to any affected areas. Do not saturate.

What to expect:
Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disease that varies enormously in severity. Symptoms such as discomfort and itching are generally relieved with topical applications as are flaking and lesions. Ongoing use of the formual will continue to assist in symptomatic treatment.

Please Note:
This formula may be used on children ages 4 and over.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

For treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis:

H Psoriasis can be used in conjunction with H Arthritis for treatment of psoriatic arthritis.

If you have purchased H-Psoriasis Formula 11ml and wish to add H-Arthritis Formula to your purchase, please click below:

H-Eczema Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day to condition, using as many drops as needed depending on the affected area. Do not oversaturate.

What to expect:
At first you may not see any change, be patient, pain and itching symptoms of eczema will be relieved during applications.

Diet Suggestions:
If you suffer from severe eczema, we advise that you discontinue the following foods for the duration of the treatment:

Sugar (fruit sugar is okay), wheat, and dairy.

This product is safe for children from age 2 years.

Please note:
If you have purchased the 11ml bottle, you may not have sufficient formula, please read the following:

Our 11ml bottle is suitable for treating a small area. If you are treating a larger area or if you suffer from eczema on a regular basis, it is advisable to make sure you have enough formula.

Most of our customers with eczema get the large 33ml bottle to ensure that they have enough to treat the affected areas.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Stretch Marks Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day by massaging a few drops into the affected area.

During pregnancy begin application from the fourth month of pregnancy. Massage abdomen, breasts, and if necessary include buttocks and thighs

What to expect:
At first you may not see any change, be patient, the formual will reduce the appearance of stretch marks while improving the skin tone and resilience.

Please Note:
This formula is safe to use during pregnancy or nursing

H-Acne Formula:

Control and relief for acne and pimples.

How to Apply:
Apply 2-3 times per day but always morning and evening. Use 1 or 2 drops on a cottom swab or your fingers and dab the affected area.

One drop can also be added to your bath water, when bathing.

Be sure to drink plenty of water.

What to expect:
With patience and regular applications, the formula works to relieve acne symptoms.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Athlete's Foot Formula:

For foot and toenail fungus (tinea pedis)

How to Apply:
Wash your feet or affected area thoroughly.

Apply three times per day, by placing a few drops onto a cotton swab or on your fingers, and dabbing to the affected area. Do not oversaturate.

One drop can also be added to your bath water when bathing.

Be sure to drink plenty of water.

What to expect:
Treatment of the symptoms of athlete's foot will take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on the severity of the condition.

The fungus resides in skin cells.It is advisable to throw away your socks, and purchase new ones, washing will not eliminate the fungus. Wrap your shoes in plastic and place in the freezer for 12 hours, this will kill the fungus.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Scars Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day. Use 1-2 drops on a cotton swab or your finger. Do not oversaturate.

What to expect:
At first you may not see any change. Be patient and persist with the applications.

Be patient and persist with applications.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Headaches Formula:

How to Apply:
Use a few drops of formula and massage a small amount to your forehead, temples, and back of neck every 30 minutes or when needed, no more than 5 times per day.

What to expect:
Common headache symptoms are generally relieved within a short period depending on the severity.

H-Jock Itch Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply 1 or 2 drops of formula to the condition, three times per day. Do not oversaturate.

What to expect:
Treatment of the symptoms of jock itch may take a few days or up to a few weeks depending on the severity of the condition. Jock itch is a fungal infection. Keep the area clean and dry. Undergarments must be washed thoroughly.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Varicose Veins Formula:

How to Apply:
The formula is topically applied. Massage gently onto area around and above veins. Do not press directly onto or below the vein, work upwards.

What to Expect:
At first you may not see any change, be patient. Do not miss appl

Please Note:
Walking is recommended to stimulate blood flow. Once a day, lie on your bed for 15 minutes with your feet up higher than your head.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Insomnia Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply 1 or 2 drops to your fingers and massage ingot he temples and the back of your neck 30 minutes before sleep or as needed. If you awake during the night you may apply again but no more than 3 times..

What to Expect:
Relaxation and therefore sleep will be assisted.

Please Note:
We recommend avoiding stimulants such as coffee, caffeinated teas or other beverages after 4pm. Developing a relaxing routine before bedtime as well as exercise and fresh air during the day may assist.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Cellulite Formula:

How to Apply:
Massage a few drops onto the affected area three times per day.

What to Expect:
The appearance of cellulite will diminish after a few weeks and you will notice substantial improvement after 6 weeks. It is important to drink lots of water to assist in the elimination on toxins. Exercise is also important to aid circulation.

Please Note:
H-Cellulite Formula is specifically formulated for cellulite tissue cells and is not formulated for stretch marks. For your stretch marks, please use our H-Stretch Marks Formula.

H-Rosacea Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply 1 or 2 drops 3 times a day to the condition using your finger or a cotton swab. Do not oversaturate.

What to Expect:
At first you may not see any change, be patient. Do not miss applications.

Please Note:
For acne, please use our H Acne Formula.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Nail Fungus Formula:

How to Apply:
Wash your feet or affected area thoroughly.

Apply three times per day, by placing a few drops onto a cotton swab or on your fingers, and dabbing to the affected area. Do not oversaturate.

Be sure to drink plenty of water.

What to expect:
Treatment of the symptoms of nail fungus may take a few days or up to a few weeks depending on the severity of the condition.

The fungus resides in skin cells.It is advisable to throw away your socks or gloves and purchase new ones, washing will not eliminate the fungus. Wrap your shoes in plastic and place in the freezer for 12 hours, this will kill the fungus.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Moles Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply directly to the condition three times per day. Use one drop of formula on a cotton swab or your finger and dab directly to the moles. Do not over saturate, simply allow a thin coating on the surface of each mole.

What to expect:
Moles usually flake away after 2-6 weeks, sometimes longer. Be patient and persist with applications.

Please Note:
H-Moles Formula is only to be used on benign skin growths, please consult your doctor prior to use. Do not use while Pregnant or nursing. This formula may be used on children age 4 years and older. Do not apply near the eyes or mouth.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Glow Formula:

For Fine Lines and Wrinkles

How to Apply:
Gently massage a few drops of the formula to cleansed face and neck in the morning and evening. Additional drops may be massaged directly into the wrinkles.

What to expect:
The process varies from person to person. Typically results can be seen within 4-6 weeks.

Please Note:
Avoid eye contact.

H-Cracked Heels Formula:

How to Apply:
Before each use, clean your feet thoroughly. Massage the formula into affected areas, morning and evening.

What to expect:
Healing time varies from person to person. The formula works on repairing the damaged skin cells, improvement will be noticed within several days.Continue to apply until your heels are healthy.

Please Note:Use a pumice stone daily to exfoliate dead skin cells. We recommend using the formula daily to maintain healthy feet.

H-Cold Sores Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day directly to the condition using one or two drops of formula on your finger or on a cotton swab. Do not oversaturate.

What to Expect:
Apply the formula until the symptoms of the outbreak are over. This may take a few days or up to a few weeks depending on the severity of the condition.
The formula may be used at the very first signs of an outbreak. Symptoms may include a tingling sensation.
Please Note:
Do not miss one day of application or the process will go back by a few days

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Molluscum Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day. Use 1-2 drops on a Q-tip or your finger. Simply dab the top of each bump, do not saturate.
Do not miss one day of application or the process will go back by a few days.

What to Expect:
Bumps may get larger or turn white, this is part of the process. Bumps usually flake away after 2-6 weeks (a little longer for stubborn strains) when these directions are followed.
Be patient and persist with applications.
Please Note:
If you have purchased the 11ml bottle, you may not have sufficient formula, please read the following:

The process differs from person to person. Usually it is 2-6 weeks.

H-Molluscum Formula works when the instructions are followed.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

H-Shingles Formula:

How to Apply:
Apply three times per day directly to the condition using one or two drops of formula on your finger or on a cotton swab. Do not oversaturate.

What to Expect:
Apply the formula until the symptoms of the outbreak are over. This may take a few days or up to a few days or up to a few weeks depending on the severity of the condition.
If neuralgia is experienced continue applications until symptoms of neuralgia are treated.
Please Note:
Do not miss one day of application or the process will go back by a few days

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

Sexual Enhancement:

Fsensual Formula (Female Sexual Enhancement):

How to Apply:
Place a few drops onto your fingers and apply the formula to the groin area.

What to expect:
The formula is fast working and helps to increase both sensitivity and arousal. The use of Msensual Formula for men will further enhance the sexual experiencce for you and your partner.

Please Note:
Keep away from eyes.The formula is applied topically, not taken orally but you may participate in oral sex.

The essential oils in the formula may cause latex condoms to fail.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

The use of Msensual Formula for men will further enhance the sexual experience for you and your partner.

To add Msensual Formula to your purchase, please click below:

Msensual Formula (Male Sexual Enhancement):

How to Apply:
Place a few drops onto your fingers and apply to the groin area.t

What to expect:
The formula is fast working and helps increase the sensitivity and arousal. The use of Fsensual Formula for women will further enhance the sexual experience for you and your partner.

Please Note :
The formula is applied topically, not taken orally but you may participate in oral sex.

Essential oils may cause latex condoms to fail.

Our 33ml bottle is 3 times the size and there is currently a 10% saving already included.

There will also be no additional shipping charge on the upgrade as we will merely change your original order to a large bottle.

If you have ordered in the last 30min and would like to take advantage of this special offer and upgrade your purchase from an 11ml bottle to a 33ml bottle, for an additional cost, please click below :

The use of Fsensual Formula for women will further enhance the sexual experience for you and your partner.

To add Fsensual Formula to your purchase, please click below: