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  • Got Athlete's Foot or Nail Fungus?

    Our feet work hard for us but they can also be an indication when there is a problem with our health.

    For example, always be aware if you consistently have cold toes, you have a cut on your toe that refuses to heal or your feet and ankles swell up.  Such symptoms should be investigated by your medical practitioner.

    But there are other clues to look out for too... 

  • The Skin Tag Product You Need to Try

    Skin tags are small growths that hang off your skin and the good news is that they are harmless and usually painless.

    However, many want to remove them because they can cause embarrassment or catch on clothing or jewellery.

    Find out more about the different methods of removing skin tags including the most natural and gentle option.

  • Did You Know That We All Have Eyelash Mites?

    Yes we all do! But the good news is that for most of us they are not usually a cause for concern. Find out more about what to do if eyelash mites start to become a problem...
  • Say Goodbye to Stretch Marks and Cellulite

    These two different skin conditions - namely, stretch marks and cellulite - will both affect the skin and cause embarrassment.

    But how do they differ and what can we do to help...

  • Unlocking the Secrets of Psoriasis Care

    Psoriasis on the scalp is a common place where this skin condition can occur.  We share the symptoms along with information on how to help.

  • Top Natural Solution for Eye Wrinkles

    We share information about eye wrinkles and what you can do about them.
  • How to Help Those Cracked Heels

    This common foot problem is often unnoticed or neglected and yet caring for our feet including our heels should be as important as looking after the rest of our body. While cracked heels can occur both in adults and children, it affects women the most. Cracked heels may cause discomfort when going barefoot but cracks in the heels can sometimes become very deep and cause pain...
  • Naturally Tackle Skin Tags

    Skin tags are painless growths on the skin, connected to the skin by a small, thin stalk called a peduncle.  They become quite common in both men and women - especially after the age of fifty. Although they can appear anywhere on your body, though they’re commonly found in places where there are skin folds.  Find out more and what you can do about them.

  • Got Moles on Your Skin?

    Moles are small, coloured spots on the skin.  While most people have them, they are not usually anything to cause concern unless they change size, shape or colour.
  • Your Hardworking Hands Will Thank You For Your Care

    Most of us are fortunate indeed to have two strong hardworking hands that are kept busy throughout the day and yet, do we give their welfare a second thought?

    Whether we are doing the household chores, working in the garage or the garden or subjecting our hands to lots of water, we do need to give them some TLC (tender loving care) – and regularly.

  • Could Using Face Wipes be a Cause of Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

    We all know how convenient face wipes can be for cleaning the face and removing make-up - especially when travelling or on the go.

    But could they actually be causing you harm?

    There are drawbacks from using face wipes...

  • A Natural Solution for Psoriasis

    If you have been diagnosed with the skin condition known as psoriasis, you need to be aware that you are at risk of developing psoriatic arthritis.  

    In fact, an estimated thirty percent of those with psoriasis can go on to develop this further condition which is a chronic and progressive form of inflammatory arthritis, causing joint pain, stiffness and swelling. These symptoms can come and go - depending on how severe the condition is in a particular case.

    However, there is some good news in that if it can be diagnosed early, this helps to reduce the risk of any permanent bone or joint damage.