Everything You Need to Know About Eczema
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What is Eczema?
Eczema is quite similar to a rash. Found on the body, it causes small itchy blisters to appear and can be troublesome to deal with. Eczema is a very itchy condition which can irritate a person weeks before it even shows up, in the form of itching or peeling dry skin. There is no definite cause for how eczema comes about but there are many reasons it may happen.Â
Eczema is a relatively interesting condition. Anyone can get eczema and it can appear at any stage in life anywhere on the body. How bad a case of eczema a person has depends on themselves and their body's immune system. Those with poor immune systems, who are older or very young, may be affected more adversely than those who are still very healthy.
Tables of Contents:
Eczema & Heat Waves
Types of Eczema
Relationship between Eczema & Psoriasis
Difference between Eczema & Molluscum

What Causes Eczema?
Stress can cause eczema, it seems when someone is under pressure they are a lot more likely to have eczema occur.
If eczema is present, stress can cause the rash to become worse. Huge changes in weather can affect the body which may cause eczema. If the climate or weather a person is used to all of the sudden changes, perhaps on a long vacation or moving from one place with a warm climate, to a colder location, or vice versa, the body may not adapt well. In areas where it is hot and sweat is present often, or cold where the body is dry, an outbreak of eczema may occur. Eczema is mainly genetic, those whose parents had it are quite likely to experience outbreaks as well.
Irritants in the air such as tobacco smoke can trigger eczema. It does not matter whether the person is smoking directly or it is being passed through the air as second hand smoke. Chemicals and solvents, such as paint thinner or cleaning solvents like bleach or window cleaner, can all irritate or cause a person to get eczema via contact. There are many causes for an outbreak of eczema, allergens, harsh changes in weather or genes can be a reason. Many people have allergies to plants dust, dust mites and so fourth. Lastly, causes of eczema could lie in what a person eats. Some nuts and dairy products, preservatives and wheat products are a few which can contribute to the occurence of eczema.
The best thing to do in cases of eczema is keep a list of foods eaten and when outbreaks occur try avoid eating or being around these so as not to provoke an eczema outbreak. As stated earlier there are no certain causes for why people get eczema and there is no cure, only ways to manage the rash when it does cause outbreaks.
Symptoms & Diagnosis of Eczema
Eczema usually starts out with an annoying constant itch; this can be anywhere on the body and last for a few weeks before a breakout. The itching caused by eczema is extremely hard to ignore as it is unlike other normal body itches, it doesn't go away and only gets worse, until it is scratched. Before the actual eczema shows on the body it can keep you awake at night with constant itching until the skin is torn open, even then the itch is there.
The symptoms of eczema can vary. Itching is of course the first symptom of an eczema outbreak. Those who are stressed or sweat a lot are prone to eczema. Other signs, along with itching, include very dry skin. When the skin dries out enough it is also prone to cracking with movement and can peel and flake off. There is always a constant urge to pick off pieces of the skin but this only makes the area more red and inflamed before the eczema even shows.
Small red spots start appearing where the area is inflamed. Eczema has a tendency to cause many small blisters. People who have never had or heard of eczema assume these may be pimples and scratch them off. This is a huge no-no as the blisters are filled with a small amount of liquid that can cause a lot more eczema to appear. These blisters can be small red and frequent. Eczema also shows up as white tipped pus filled blisters, which almost always look like zits, and may pop open causing the rash to spread further.
Eczema can go down the body in a line or stay in small clusters. If irritated and broken up enough both of these may occur.. The eczema rash may start to disappear and the skin will start to heal and go back to normal, then the terrible itch starts all over again. It is usually a clear sign that a person has eczema when they are healing and the itch comes back just the same as it started.
Remember if eczema is suspected it's probably there. The symptoms start out as itching on the part of the body the eczema will eventually appear. The next cycle of symptoms are red skin, flaking and peeling of the infected area and lastly blisters which can be mistaken for zits. Consult a doctor if itching continues or eczema does not heal by itself.
Eczema & Heat WavesÂ
Eczema and Hot Weather, is There a Link?
The Northern Hemisphere has been experiencing extreme heat and fluctuations in regular seasonal weather over the last few years. This can contribute to a variety of different health problems in all age groups especially when these groups of people are not used to such high temperatures. One such health problem is eczema.
Eczema (or dermatitis as it is sometimes called) is a group of skin conditions which can affect all age groups and can vary in its severity. In its mild form, the skin becomes dry, hot and itchy but in its more severe form, the skin can become broken, raw and bleeding. Eczema is not contagious even though it can sometimes look unpleasant. There are several different types of eczema but there are a number of ways to manage eczema and most important is an effective skin care routine.
Eczema and Dry Skin in the Heat
Dryness of the skin is one of the main problems associated with eczema. This dryness is aggravated by the hot, dry conditions of a heatwave. Too much heat and sweat can make your skin more irritated and itchy. So if you are suffering from eczema try to avoid activities that make you hot and sweaty since in hot weather the body sweats more causing water loss from the skin. It is important not to wear synthetic fabrics and wool clothing or use bedding of similar materials. Cotton clothing and bedding will keep the skin cool and allow it to breathe.
Eczema in Children
Children in particular are more likely to want to scratch their skin when the weather is so hot. Children who are prone to eczema should have their nails kept short and at night-time, it is a good idea to put cotton mittens on the children's hand so that they are less likely to scratch their skin during sleep.
Eczema and Protective Clothing
If the type of work you do necessitates wearing protective clothing and/or gloves and these are made of synthetic material, then try to wear a cotton layer underneath to soak up any sweat. Take occasional breaks and remove the cotton layer to prevent a buildup of sweat.
As soon as you are able to, take a bath or shower using a small amount of mild soap. The temperature should not be too hot but rather cool or warm and it is good idea to soak for 15 to 20 minutes so that the skin’s outer layer can absorb moisture. After your bath or shower, dry the skin carefully by patting rather than rubbing with a soft towel and then apply a moisturizer which will help seal in the moisture.
It is a good idea to use a moisturizer on your skin every day as this will help to keep it soft and flexible. The best moisturizer would be a basic one without extra ingredients or fragrances and one that is more greasy than creamy. You can even use a plain petroleum jelly (for example Vaseline).
Different Types of Eczema
Nummular EczemaÂ
Nummular eczema is also known as discoid eczema and is a condition that causes a very itchy and easily recognized skin rash with coin shaped patches or lesions on the arms and legs (sometimes in the middle of the body) that ooze and may become crusty. The skin may look scaly or raw with redness and inflammation. Nummular eczema is more common in young adulthood and in old age, occurring more often in the fall and winter months rather than the rest of the year.
In most cases, discoid eczema does not run in families nor does it result from a food allergy. It is not infectious to others although it can become infected by bacteria. There is both a wet and a dry nummular eczema. Dry skin in the winter months can cause dry non-itchy round patches while the wet type presents as crusted or blistered patches.
There are many causes for nummular eczema and these include:
- A reaction to topical irritants
- A manifestation of winter dermatitis
- A manifestation of atopic dermatitis in children
- A complication from a staphylococcal infection
- The result of a local physical or chemical injury
- An allergy to aloe, hair removal creams, mercury and other irritants
- The result of very dry skin
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- The result of prescription drugs
- Extreme stress
Dyshidrotic Eczema
Dyshidrotic Eczema is a rare form of eczema which only affects the hands and feet, appearing as extremely itchy blisters on the palms, soles and sides of fingers and toes. While this form of eczema is aggravated by stress, the main problem is when hands are constantly in water. There is also a connection between dyshidrotic eczema and an allergic reaction to nickel. People who have dyshidrotic eczema can be genetically predisposed to it while some consider the condition to be caused by abnormal sweating. Perfumes and preservatives in soaps and irritants in household cleansers can make things worse. This form of eczema can arise if:
- You suffered from eczema, hay fever or other allergies when you were a child.
- Your hands are frequently exposed to water where constant wetting and drying breaks down the skin's protective outer barrier.
- Your hands come into contact with irritating chemicals.
- Your feet are encased in shoes providing warm, moist conditions
Eczema Herpeticum
There are two conditions which when combined can cause a complication which, although rare, can be dangerous. It is known as eczema herpeticum. Of the two conditions that cause this life threatening illness, one condition is eczema and the other is herpes.
Eczema causes dry, itchy skin rashes and although eczema results in considerable discomfort, it is not life threatening. Different types of eczema include atopical dermatitis, discoid, nummular and contact dermatitis.Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and can lead to cold sores around the mouth or genital herpes. Although it can be very painful and include flu-like symptoms, an outbreak of herpes will eventually resolve itself and will not be dangerous.
The problem arises when the two conditions combine and you get eczema herpeticum. Unless very mild, this condition is considered to be a medical emergency because of the risk of superinfection. The complication can occur in male or female at any age and, although it usually lasts for approximately 16 days, it can continue for several weeks.
Eczema Herpeticum will first appear as a rash with clusters of small blisters. These blisters will often have a characteristic dome with an indentation. A fever and flu-like symptoms also occur with the rash either remaining in the same area as the pre-existing eczema or spreading over the entire body. Apart from pain, you may be aware of light sensitivity. As the condition worsens, the blisters become filled with pus before developing a crust and starting to bleed, similar to impetigo.
Baby Eczema
Many parents become concerned when they notice a skin rash during the early years of their baby's life. This rash often appears in the skin folds of the arms, neck or legs but it can also occur first on a baby's forehead, cheeks and scalp before spreading to other parts of the body.
Baby eczema can look like dry, thickened and scaly skin or be made up of tiny red bumps that can blister and ooze. Baby eczema is not contagious.
Baby eczema is very common and affects around 1 in 5 children. The face and scalp are most commonly affected in babies, and as children get older, it spreads to the limb creases – backs, wrists, ankle and neck, and the front of the elbows being the most likely sites to be affected.
Why do babies suddenly develop baby eczema?
- Many families find that eczema is inherited from a parent or close family member who suffers from hay fever, eczema, asthma or other allergies.
- Although it is not an allergic reaction to a substance, baby eczema can be triggered by certain allergens in your baby's diet or in your diet if your baby is breastfed.
- In approximately 10% of cases the condition may be due to an allergy to certain food groups such as citrus, soybeans, fish, nuts, wheat, eggs, peanuts or milk protein while dust mites, feather pollens and other allergens may be a contributing factor.
- An eczema rash can also be aggravated by heat as well as changes in temperature.
- Some babies are susceptible to irritants that come into contact with their skin. These can be chemicals in certain soaps, lotions and detergents. Wool is another irritant.
- Dry skin can be a further trigger.
Treatment of Baby Eczema
- Don't let your baby's skin become dry. Daily bathing in lukewarm water is helpful if you use a mild soap and shampoo to wash at the end of the session which should not be too long.
- Immediately pat the skin dry without rubbing before applying plenty of natural moisturiser or emollient to keep the moisture in.
- Let your baby's skin breathe by using cool natural fabrics such as cotton for both clothing and bed linen. Avoid wool as this can be scratchy and irritating to the skin.
- Use natural fragrance-free detergents for washing your baby's clothes and bed linen and stay away from fabric softeners.
- Avoid extreme temperature changes for your child.
- Keep the fingernails cut short and put mittens on so that your child cannot scratch the eczema rash. Cool compresses to the area for a few minutes at a time will soothe and discourage scratching too. Babies cannot control the urge to scratch and if they do, this can result in bacterial infections, bleeding and major discomfort. Scratching not only disturbs your baby’s sleep but can worsen the itch and cause further inflammation.
Eczema Medication
Although natural remedies are much preferred and safer, listed below are the various pharmaceutical medications used by some medical practitioners for patients with eczema.
- Corticosteroid creams or ointments. Some low-potency versions can be bought over the counter but the side effects of long-term or repeated use can include skin irritation or discoloration, thinning of the skin, infections and even stretch marks on the skin.
- Some doctors may recommend taking antibiotics for a short time to treat an infection or for longer periods of time to reduce bacteria on the skin and to prevent recurrent infections. Unfortunately, the overuse or misuse of antibiotics has been a big problem in recent decades.
- If itching is severe, oral antihistamines may help although they may make you sleepy. In some cases, this can be helpful at bedtime. In the case of cracked skin, the doctor may prescribe mildly astringent wet dressings to prevent infection.
- For more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe oral corticosteroids, such as prednisone, or an intramuscular injection of corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and to control symptoms. When frequently treated with steroids, the immune system can be further compromised, inflaming the dermis and creating a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. There are severe side effects including cataracts, loss of bone mineral (osteoporosis), muscle weakness, decreased resistance to infection, high blood pressure and thinning of the skin.
- A class of medications called immunomodulators, such as tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel), affect the immune system, helping maintain normal skin texture and reducing flares of atopic dermatitis. This prescription-only medication is approved for children older than 2 and for adults but even the FDA is concerned about the effect of these medications on the immune system when used for prolonged periods.
- A non pharmaceutical treatment is light therapy (phototherapy) using natural or artificial light. While controlled sunlight is the easiest method, other forms include the use of artificial ultraviolet A (UVA), ultraviolet B (UVB) light or the more recently available narrow band ultraviolet B (NBUVB).
Eczema Home Remedies
There are many home remedies that sufferers have found to be helpful, some of which have been passed down from generation to generation while others are newly discovered:
- If a baby is 6 months of older, twice a week add half a cup of bleach to a full standard sized bath for a 5 to 10 minutes soak as this has been found to be 5 times more effective than plain water in treating eczema. Your child's limbs and torso should be immersed leaving the head and neck above water. Pat dry and apply a heavy covering of moisturizer afterwards.
- A soothing bath with warm chamomile and oatmeal is a good home remedy for children with eczema. Add 4 tablespoons camomile flowers and half a cup of oatmeal to a "knee-high" stocking, and tie the open end of the stocking with a rubber band before placing under the tap as you fill the bathtub. While your child plays in the bath, the chamomile and oats concoction will help to ease any itching.
- Or for an additional soothing treat and eczema home remedy, add colloidal oatmeal like Aveeno to the bath, and even use oatmeal as a soap substitute. For the bath, pour 2 cups of colloidal oatmeal into the lukewarm water. This oatmeal is a fine powder that will remain suspended in water.
- Let the skin breathe by using cool natural fabrics such as cotton for both clothing and bed linen. Avoid wool as this can be scratchy and irritating to the skin. Use natural fragrance-free detergents for washing clothes and bed.
- Apply cool compresses to the area for a few minutes at a time to soothe and discourage scratching too. Babies and children cannot control the urge to scratch and if they do, this can result in bacterial infections, bleeding and major discomfort. Scratching not only disturbs sleep but can worsen the itch and cause further inflammation.
- Apply coconut oil to the affected area to keep the skin smooth and soft, both sealing and protecting the skin while taming inflammation. Antibacterial and anti fungal action prevents infection in open sores.
- Make a paste of 1 teaspoon sandalwood and 1 teaspoon camphor and apply to the eczema.
- Another paste can be made of 1 tablespoon each of turmeric powder and bitter neem leaves.
- Just the simple use of water can be helpful by applying cold compresses or cold water. Cold, wet dressings can help soothe and relieve the itching associated with eczema.
- Cold milk can be used instead of water as this may be a lot more soothing. Put milk into a glass with ice cubes and let it sit for a few minutes. Then pour the milk onto a gauze pad or thin piece of cotton and apply it to the irritated skin for 2 or 3 minutes. Re-soak the cloth and reapply, continuing the process for about 10 minutes several times per day.
- A daily bath helps to moisturize the skin, using moisturizing aqueous cream (natural if possible) rather than ordinary soaps for cleaning. The temperature should be just warm and it is good to soak for 15 to 20 minutes so that the skin's outer layer can absorb moisture. The skin should be dried by gently patting with a towel to remove excess water. While keeping the skin damp, apply an emollient cream.
- Emollient cream is used for added moisture to the clean skin. The best moisturizer is a basic fragrance-free one that is more greasy than creamy such as Vaseline but as this is a petroleum product, you will find below a recipe for a natural Vaseline-type jelly. Such emollients are especially important to use if you are working or living in an air conditioned or heated workplace or home. Use twice a day and more often on the hands.
- Calamine lotion is good for many types of rashes that ooze and need to be dried out.
- Mashed papaya seeds will reduce itching when applied to the eczema.
- Another suggested home remedy for eczema is to dab some witch hazel on the affected area with a cotton ball.
- Raw honey has been used effectively in the treatment of eczema
- Regular sunlight and the vitamin D it produces in your system are a healing combination. Not being deficient in Vitamin D (the feel good hormone) is imperative when treating any condition so it is always worth while to be tested for your levels so that, if you are unable to get sufficient sunlight for 15 to 20 minutes (closest to noon) several times per week, you can top up with a vitamin D3 supplement. Vitamin D is equally important in children whatever age and they should also spend time in the sun without sunscreen while supplementing with vitamin D3 in colder months.
- Oat flour and slippery elm powder can be used in warm baths to coat and calm the skin.
- Sea salt when added to warm baths gives welcome relief from inflammation and pain. If you live by the ocean, then a daily dip in the salty water will also be beneficial.
- Bentonite clay detoxifies and comforts the skin when dissolved in a lukewarm bath.
- Essential oils have been used down the centuries as a successful home remedy for eczema and other skin conditions. Now H-Eczema is specially formulated from pure essential oils to provide the perfect healing eczema home remedy that is gentle, safe and successful to use whatever age.
Recipes for all natural home remedies for eczema
Here are two recipes for suitable and natural moisurizers to use for eczema.
1. Home lotion for eczema - Ingredients
- ½ cup distilled water
- ½ cup oil - almond, grapeseed or olive
- 1 tablespoon lecithin
- 6 to 8 drops geranium oil
- Add some Vitamin E oil as this is a good antioxidant.
Mix all these ingredients in a blender. You will have a thick creamy lotion which you can dilute with a little water if you want it thinner. Store in a container ready for daily use.
2. Another recipe is for an all-natural Vaseline-type jelly but minus any petroleum
- Place 1 oz. of beeswax in the top of a double boiler and heat slowly until it melts. Don't put beeswax in the microwave or in a standard saucepan, as it is flammable when exposed to direct heat.
- Remove the melted wax from heat and squeeze the oil from six x 400 IU vitamin E capsules into the wax. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties which nourish and protect your skin while acting as a natural preservative to prolong the shelf life of your petroleum jelly.
- Stir in 1/2 cup of extra virgin or cold pressed sweet almond oil. Stir the ingredients constantly as the mixture cools and thickens. While still slightly warm, scoop the jelly mixture into a dark glass jar and leave unsealed to cool completely.
Keep in a cool, dark place or in your refrigerator. These lotions are even more important to use if you are working or living in an air conditioned or heated workplace or home. Use as you would use commercial jelly twice a day and more often on the hands.
Homeopathic Treatment of Eczema
Homeopathic treatment for eczema often involves several ingredients, each targeting different symptoms and types of eczema. Here are some of the most frequently used homeopathic remedies for eczema:
Graphites: Best for eczema that is oozing a honey-like discharge, especially in the folds of the skin and behind the ears.
Sulphur: Suitable for eczema that is very itchy, red, and inflamed, often worsened by heat and water.
Rhus Toxicodendron: Used for eczema that is red, swollen, and itchy, and improves with warmth.
Mezereum: Effective for eczema with thick, crusty eruptions that ooze a sticky exudate and are worse in the winter.
Petroleum: Indicated for eczema that is dry, cracked, and bleeds, often worsened in the winter and improved in the summer.
Natrum Muriaticum: Best for eczema that is dry, flaky, and itchy, often in the bends of joints.
Arsenicum Album: Suitable for eczema that burns and itches intensely, often with dry, scaly skin.
Calendula: Often used for its healing properties, especially for eczema that is raw and inflamed.
Pulsatilla: Best for weepy eczema that is improved by fresh air and worsened by heat.
Hepar Sulphur: Indicated for eczema that is very sensitive to touch and cold, and tends to suppurate easily.
Each of these remedies is chosen based on the specific symptoms and characteristics of the eczema in the individual. Homeopathy emphasizes individualized treatment, so the effectiveness of each remedy can vary from person to person. It's also important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment, especially in cases of severe or persistent eczema.
How H-Eczema helps to treat symptoms of Eczema
The H-Eczema Formula from Healing Natural Oils contains the following ingredients:
Active Ingredients:
- Anacardium orientale 12C
- Iris versicolor 12C
Inactive Ingredients:
- Essential Oil Blend (Cymbopogon martinii aerial parts, Daucus carota seed, Helichrysum italicum flower, Lavandula officinalis flower bud, Matricaria recutita flower)
- Rosa mosqueta seed oil
- Simmondsia chinensis seed oil
Comparison with Common Homeopathic Ingredients for Eczema:
- Anacardium orientale: Not typically listed among the common homeopathic remedies for eczema, but it's used in homeopathy for skin conditions with itching and blistering.
- Iris versicolor: Also not a standard remedy for eczema, but it is used in homeopathy for skin conditions with gastrointestinal symptoms.
- The essential oils included in the formula, such as Cymbopogon martinii, Daucus carota, Helichrysum italicum, Lavandula officinalis, and Matricaria recutita, are known for their soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, although they are not typically used in classical homeopathy for eczema.
How These Ingredients Help with Eczema:
- Anacardium orientale and Iris versicolor are the primary active homeopathic ingredients and are believed to address the underlying causes of eczema symptoms like itching and blistering.
- The essential oils and carrier oils (Rosa mosqueta and Simmondsia chinensis) provide moisturizing and soothing effects, which can be beneficial in managing dryness, itching, and inflammation associated with eczema.
It's important to note that the effectiveness of these ingredients can vary from person to person. For chronic or severe eczema, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.
The Relationship Between Eczema and Psoriasis
There is a common misconception that eczema and psoriasis are the same conditions. Although they are both non-contagious skin disorders, this is not the case as they have significantly different symptoms and causes.
The Difference Between These Two Conditions
Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is indicated by red flaky skin patches along with breaks in the skin and in severe cases symptoms may result in 'crusted over' lesions. Eczema is usually caused and exacerbated by environmental irritants such as detergents, perfumes or other allergens, whereas psoriasis tends to be passed on genetically. One of the worst aspects for sufferers of eczema is the itching of the skin and consequently, the uncontrollable urge to scratch thus making the patches of affected skin even worse.
Psoriasis (derived from the Greek word 'psoera' "to itch") affects both sexes equally and appears as reddened, rough and itchy skin covered with scaly flakes. In simple terms, psoriasis is actually an acceleration of the replacement processes of the skin. Normal skin cells mature in around twenty days and drop off the body invisibly whereas the cells from a patch of psoriasis complete this process almost ten times as quickly. Common locations for affected areas are the elbows, knees, hands and some outbreaks also affect the scalp. In the worst cases, psoriasis can affect the joints and cause arthritis-like symptoms.
The Difference Between Eczema & Molluscum
Eczema is a skin condition in the form of a nasty rash found on random areas of the body. Anyone can suffer from this condition but the severity can vary from person to person. An Eczema rash can be very itchy for a while but then just when the itching is over, it may in fact get worse. The itching of eczema is the first sign, followed by the skin becoming dry and flaky. If the eczema is on the hands and right under the cuticle of the fingers, large pieces of skin may "chip" off. Eventually, red blisters may appear all over the skin. If scratched, these blisters may water and in turn, may spread the rash even more over the skin. The rash will continue in the same cycle of itching, cracking, blistering, itching, healing, more scratching and then the cycle starts all over again. Eczema may be caused by drastic changes in weather such as moving from hot to cold areas as well as contact with solvents or other allergens.
What is Molluscum Contagiosum?
Molluscum contagiosum is also a skin condition which may look similar to eczema except for one important detail - molluscum has an indent in each blister. Molluscum is extremely contagious whereas eczema can be self inoculated. Molluscum appears in children frequently as it is a strain of the pox virus and, since children have more skin contact than adults, it is passed on between playing youngsters. Molluscum is not dangerous and should not cause any pain but is highly contagious and can spread all over the body leading to a more serious condition.
Where Molluscum and Eczema Meet
This is the problem. When someone has molluscum contagiosum, it is not uncommon to also suffer from eczema. The eczema is itchy and if it occurs in patches along the molluscum, and is scratched, then both conditions can be spread. Eczema is non contagious and it can only be spread in the person's own body. Molluscum is formed from a virus whereas eczema may come and go as it pleases. Both skin rashes will go away over time or with treatment.
Where Molluscum and Eczema Differentiate
As stated before, molluscum is known by its larger blisters with the indented centers. Eczema will have smaller red blisters which can sometimes have white tips like pimples which usually contain a pus-like substance. This is normal. Molluscum is very contagious and spreads just by contact while eczema cannot spread to other people. Eczema causes extreme itchiness and dryness before an infection. Molluscum has dry skin but should not cause an unbearable itch before appearing. While eczema does not leave scarring, if molluscum is bad enough it may leave indented scars not unlike acne scars. Both conditions will eventually clear up on their own but if you are concerned, seek medical advice as many skin conditions can be similar but are very different and one could be more harmful than another.
Mayo Clinic staff. (2014, July 26). Atopic dermatitis (eczema): Symptoms
mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eczema/basics/symptoms/con-20032073. (Accessed, Feb 13,2021)
Mayo Clinic staff. (2014, July 26). Atopic dermatitis (eczema): Treatments and drugs
mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eczema/basics/treatment/con-20032073. (Accessed, Feb 13, 2021)
Neurodermatitis: Overview. (n.d.)
aad.org/public/diseases/eczema/neurodermatitis.(Accessed, Feb 13,2021)
Neurodermatitis: Signs and symptoms. (n.d.)
aad.org/public/diseases/eczema/neurodermatitis#symptoms. (Accessed, Feb 13,2021)