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Health Blog

  • Top Tips for Psoriasis Relief


    Psoriasis is pronounced with a silent "P" and is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales.  While these patches are normally found on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, they can actually appear anywhere on the body.  We share some top tips on how to combat this skin condition.

  • Do You Wake Up Each Morning With a Spring in Your Step!

    Some of us are morning people and others of course are better at night. 

    Unfortunately, most of us do have to get up reasonably early each morning in order to function for the day ahead.

    But are there ways to help make our mornings easier?

    The good news is that there are - and we share our top ten tips...

  • These Scandinavian Sleep Suggestions for a Restful Night

    This year on March 15th, it was World Sleep Day - an annual event organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Sleep Society (formerly World Association of Sleep Medicine) since 2008.

    The goal of World Sleep Day is to celebrate the benefits of good and healthy sleep and to draw society's attention to the burden of sleep problems and their medical, educational and social aspects while promoting the prevention and management of sleep disorders.

    It was estimated in 2019 that sleep deprivation cost the US over $400 billion a year with other first world countries also recording losses.  

    We share some suggestions from Scandinavia on how to help improve our quality of sleep...

  • Why Do Many Find They Sleep Better In A Cooler Bedroom?

    Whatever time of the year, our bodies like it cool at night - if the temperature is too high, this can cause interruption to our sleep.

    No one wants to suffer from sleep deprivation as, apart from meaning you cannot operate to your full capacity, it is said to be a leading cause of heart disease and  obesity.

    It is worthwhile on every level to try and get a good night's sleep every night.

    We share some helpful suggestions...

  • Six Top Tips to Help Improve Your Sleeping Habits

    We all know how important it is for us to get a good night's sleep, helping you to improve your help, boosting your mood and your brain function, keeping your heart healthy, reducing your stress levels and even helping to maintain a healthy weight.

    If you can get a good night's sleep, you will have a win/win situation.

    But so many will suffer from insomnia, finding it hard to go to sleep or waking up several times during the night. Others will lie awake for hours or wake up too early unable to get back to sleep again.

    How can you improve your sleeping habits so that your quality of life is restored once more?

    We share six tips for better sleep...

  • Are These Bad Habits Helping to Age Your Skin?

     We have all heard the saying about "getting our beauty sleep" and there is more than a grain of truth in that.

    But there are several bad habits that might be undoing the good of our beauty sleep...

  • Top Ten Tips for Keeping Fit in the Winter Months

    If you live in the Northern Hemisphere with cold winters, it can be more of a challenge to stay fit and healthy between the months of November and March until the weather starts to warm up again.

    We share ten of our top tips Top tips to make it easier for you to stay fit and healthy - and cheerful!

  • How to Stay Asleep Once You Are Asleep

    We have written before with tips on how to get to sleep in the first place - but staying asleep for the rest of the night can be a problem for many.

    Please check out our suggestions for turning those restless nights into a deep and stable "shut-eye experience"...

  • Eight Great Foods to Help You Sleep More Soundly

    Everyone craves a good night's sleep but you might not know that there are certain foods that can help with improving the quality of your sleep.

    We share eight suggestions.


  • Top Ten Tips for Boosting the Brain and the Memory

    Unfortunately, we are all getting older and, as this happens, small lapses in memory and other cognitive functions may become more common.

    Whatever our age, there are simple steps to take to keep the brain healthy and boost our memory.

    We share our top ten tips to this end... 

  • How to Avoid that Afternoon Slump

    If you work in an office or other environment full time from nine to five, there is always the likelihood of feeling tired or sleepy during the afternoon.  You could find your productivity levels taking a dive or cannot avoid yawning constantly

    We share our top ten tips on how can you beat that afternoon slump...

  • How to Reduce the Risk of Dementia Now

     You might think it too late to start reducing your risk of dementia but think again - it is never too late or too early to work on improving your brain health.

    With some fifty million people living with dementia worldwide, it is easy to see what a major health problem this has become for us all.

    Research is now telling us to start making those changes in your lifestyle as young as your thirties to help lower your own risk of being affected.

    And if you start to make those changes at a younger age, you will help to prevent or handle other health conditions too as well as your own wellbeing...