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Health Blog

  • Misophonia is a Sensitivity to Sound Condition

    What is Misophonia? We tell you more about this relatively recently named condition and how it can be helped.
  • The Three & Increasingly Serious Stages of Sepsis

    If sepsis is diagnosed, it is considered to be a medical emergency. The three stages of sepsis become ever more serious if a diagnosis is not reached in the early days of this condition.
  • These 6 Natural "Doctors" Will Give You All The Help You Need To Live Well

    Following these 6 natural doctors might cost more at the outset but think of it as an important investment in your health, making it so much less likely that you will need to go to a medical doctor for some time to come .
  • 8 Health Reasons to Check Your Hands & Nails for Changes in Appearance

    In the past when doctors had less diagnostic tools to call upon, they would examine the hands of their patient for extra information. Apparently h...