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  • Secrets for Beautiful Skin

    In most cases. a beautiful skin will not just happen!  It takes time and effort.

    We share how to help achieve a beautiful skin with particular emphasis on preventing wrinkles, ensuring a good cleansing routine and treating any acne.

  • Why Do Many Find They Sleep Better In A Cooler Bedroom?

    Whatever time of the year, our bodies like it cool at night - if the temperature is too high, this can cause interruption to our sleep.

    No one wants to suffer from sleep deprivation as, apart from meaning you cannot operate to your full capacity, it is said to be a leading cause of heart disease and  obesity.

    It is worthwhile on every level to try and get a good night's sleep every night.

    We share some helpful suggestions...

  • Six Top Tips to Help Improve Your Sleeping Habits

    We all know how important it is for us to get a good night's sleep, helping you to improve your help, boosting your mood and your brain function, keeping your heart healthy, reducing your stress levels and even helping to maintain a healthy weight.

    If you can get a good night's sleep, you will have a win/win situation.

    But so many will suffer from insomnia, finding it hard to go to sleep or waking up several times during the night. Others will lie awake for hours or wake up too early unable to get back to sleep again.

    How can you improve your sleeping habits so that your quality of life is restored once more?

    We share six tips for better sleep...

  • Don't Avoid Climbing Those Stairs

    Stair climbing is a unique form of exercise that can have a powerful and positive impact on your health over time.

    Like regular walking, climbing the stairs every day is key to improved health.

  • Your Hardworking Hands Will Thank You For Your Care

    Most of us are fortunate indeed to have two strong hardworking hands that are kept busy throughout the day and yet, do we give their welfare a second thought?

    Whether we are doing the household chores, working in the garage or the garden or subjecting our hands to lots of water, we do need to give them some TLC (tender loving care) – and regularly.

  • Type 2 Diabetes and Could Regular Brisk Walking Lower the Risk?

    Researchers have found that those who walked faster than 1.86 miles per hour were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.  Find out more about this important research...
  • Are Your Bathroom Towels Providing a Breeding Ground for Bacteria?

    I wonder how often you wash your towels?  There is a big debate going on about this subject especially as you may well think that as towels are only used to dry clean bodies (straight after a shower or a bath) or clean hands (after they have been washed, do they need to be washed that often?

    But it is not as simple as that..

  • Top Ten Tips for Keeping Fit in the Winter Months

    If you live in the Northern Hemisphere with cold winters, it can be more of a challenge to stay fit and healthy between the months of November and March until the weather starts to warm up again.

    We share ten of our top tips Top tips to make it easier for you to stay fit and healthy - and cheerful!

  • Natural Formula for Eczema

    Eczema is a very common skin condition especially in children although adults can suffer from it too.  The main sign is an itchy skin that turns red from time to time.

    Children and adults with eczema often have allergies or asthma along with the red, itchy skin.

  • Why Walking in the Rain is Good for You!

    If you ever get caught in a rain shower while out walking, don't be in too much of a hurry to cover up with raincoat, hood and umbrella!  It is actually good for you to soak up some rain on your hair, your face and your skin.

  • Is it Safe to Drink the Tap Water Where You Live?

    According to a United Nations Report, there are approximately two billion people worldwide whose drinking water is unsafe - and often they will have to walk miles to access any water and it is often not on tap.

    Here in the UK, the tap water is considered to be of high quality and safe to drink.  

    But many other countries are not so fortunate.

  • How to Make Sure Your Home Smells Good Without Toxic Chemicals

    We all want our homes to smell good and welcoming and the advertizers take advantage of that wish by promoting air fresheners and diffusers that are full of chemicals.

    So how can we take the more natural route to ensure a sweet smelling home?

    We share some suggestions...