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Health Blog

  • Why You Should Encourage Your Children to Go Barefoot!

    When you child starts to crawl and then to walk, don't be in too much of a hurry to put him or her into shoes.

    For example, many parents will buy children their first pair of shoes before they are even walking.  However, research has shown that wearing shoes may actually be doing more damage than good.  While parents may feel that children need a good pair of shoes to protect their feet and ankles as they grow, the shoes themselves can actual hinder muscle development - even causing problems for muscle development from toes right up to hips. 

    We share a host of benefits for children who can go barefoot...

  • Breakthrough New Research For Eczema

    We have written on this subject before but now new research published in the British Journal of Dermatology has found that babies had a lower risk of developing atopic eczema in their first year IF their mothers take a Vitamin D supplement.
  • Those with a Darker Skin have a higher risk of being Vitamin D Deficient

    Here in the UK, the Secretary of Health has launched a call for evidence to improve vitamin D levels in the UK population while at the same time talking openly about vitamin D - and racial health disparities due to vitamin D deficiency.
  • We Know About DYSLEXIA but What About DYSCALCULIA?

    Dyscalculia (pronounced to rhyme with Julia) is a specific cognitive impairment affecting the understanding of numbers.  Those who suffer from this condition could have trouble with numbers - namely doing simple calculations, remembering numbers or even putting them in size order.
  • Is Bullying a Big Problem in Your Family?

    Unfortunately, bullying has always been around and is actually natural, being a product of crowd behaviour in a competitive society - echoing animal behaviour in the wild.  

    Estimates of bullying among children point to ten to fifteen percent of any group of children repeatedly bullying others while a similar percentage of children are repeatedly targeted by bullying children...

  • We All Need a Daily Dose of Drama!

    We all need a daily dose of drama and this can be by reading a story, by watching a drama on TV or by listening to a play on the radio - and ten minutes is long enough to improve our mental wellbeing and creativity.
  • Could The Use Of Air Purifiers Make Our Schools Healthier and Safer?

    Here in the UK, air purifiers and ultraviolet light are being tested in schools in a pilot scheme to tackle the spread of viruses in confined spaces.  Find out more about air purifiers and how they can help in the home too.
  • How Does Your Young Child Sit & Play On The Floor?

    W-sitting can be a sign of poor balance and/or poor coordination. You child needs both these skills to not only to ride a bike, jump or play ball, but to read, write and speak.
  • Whether Commercial or Homemade & Natural, Vapor Rub Is Helpful In Many Ways

    We have all heard of the long standing remedy known as Vicks VapoRub and we all recognize its aroma! Although mostly known for rubbing on the chest...
  • Chickenpox, Sunlight & Shingles

    In the past, every child would get chicken pox – it was an expected childhood illness – and most would get over it very quickly. At the same time, parents and grandparents would be regularly exposed to the virus which would help them to produce antibodies to protect them from shingles (all in the same virus family).
  • Children & Crocs. Are They Hurtful or Helpful?

    In summer and warm weather, children should go bare foot some of the time and wear crocs if desired at other times. But any sneaker type of shoe is needed for support and foot protection, especially when there are laces involved.
  • 10 Home Remedies For Your Child's Nightmares or Night Terrors

    It can be very distressing, both for the child and the parents, when nightmares or night terrors become a regular occurrence. But there is a difference between night terrors and nightmares and children can have both at different times in their young lives.
