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  • Allergy Season may be Getting Longer

    Springtime means a new season with lovely flowers, new green leaves and blossom to be enjoyed by many.  But others who are prone to hay fever can really suffer during the pollen season.
  • What are Verrucas, Difference Between Wart & Treatments

    When we are talking about warts in general, there is really no difference. 

    But if you are the one suffering from a verruca (or also known as a plantar wart) under your foot, you will definitely say there is a difference. This is because of the pain and discomfort they can cause.

    Basically, there are different words that describe the same type of lesion.  Their differences occur with where they are found on the body...

  • What causes warts on feet & how to get rid of feet warts?

    While regular warts are usually harmless (but may be unsightly), warts on the feet can be a different matter and are often very painful. Warts on the feet are called verrucas but also known as plantar's warts.  The pressure of walking or standing on them flattens them so they can become very painful. 
  • And Then There are More Sleeping Facts to Make You Think!

    In a previous blog post, we share several interesting sleeping facts but we found there were so many that would include even more in a second instalment.

    So here they are...

  • Sleeping Facts To Make You Think

    We all want to wake up refreshed and ready to face the day ahead!

    But you might be interested to read about all these sleeping facts we have discovered that can affect how well we sleep. 

  • How to Provide Bedtime Relief for Your Whole Body

    Heavy legs can occur by the end of the day but how can you help to relieve this?

    By reducing swelling and relieving water retention. 

  • Simple Face Masks for Different Skin Problems

    Face masks can be an easy way to treat your skin, to give yourself a mini facial in a matter of minutes! Whether you’ve got a special occasion coming up or you just want your skin to look its very best for every day, a face masks can help you to achieve happy, healthy skin!
  • How Environmentally Friendly is Your Bathroom?

    You may not have given much thought to what is going on in your bathroom, thinking it is just serving its purpose in keeping you and your family clean and hygienic in their daily living habits.

    However, at the same time it is possible to ensure that how you use and what you use could be changed to put you and your bathroom on a more environmentally friendly path.

  • Acne Outbreaks can Lead to Scarring

    Scars are formed when an acne breakout penetrates the skin deeply, damaging the tissues beneath it.

    If you are anxious to treat your own acne scars, it’s important to know what type they are...

  • Time to Change Seasons for Your Wardrobe

    Whether you are going into winter or summer, this is the right time of the year to take a rain check on your clothes for the coming season. 

    And to take the opportunity to deep clean your closet for a fresh start to the season.

    We share four important steps to follow...


  • Top Ten Uses for BORAX

    You might never have thought about having a box of borax in your home but perhaps it is time to think again because this natural and even old-fashioned home help has so much to offer.

    With a history going back some one hundred years, borax is a 100% naturally occuring mineral.  It is formed by the seasonal evaporation of salt lakes.  Borax is made up of boron, sodium, water and oxygen. 

  • Treat Arthritis Symptoms Naturally

    Arthritis is a condition that affects many of us and, as we get older, we worry about the symptoms causing more pain and discomfort.  We share some ways on how these symptoms can be alleviated.