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  • How Do We Handle the Hype About Sugar?

    We all know that sugar or certainly too much of it can cause us harm.

    We share some of the facts...

  • How to Persuade Your Family to Give Up Those Processed and Ultra-Processed Foods

    How do you wean your family off processed and ultra processed foods?

    It is not easy - it takes time and perseverance but it can be done. The first thing to do is to work out what you can use as a healthy substitute for each your family's favorite processed food dishes. And then there are individual things like sugar, cookies, sodas and more. They all have to go!

  • Top Tips on How to Treat the Symptoms of Hay Fever

    Spring in the Northern hemisphere can bring misery to the many who suffer from hay fever.  Allergy season can last from late March to as long as September when those allergens - especially tree pollen, grasses and weeds - are most prevalent in the natural environment and leading to sneezing, watery eyes and itchy noses.

  • Is Nail Biting a Problem for Your Child?

    Nail biting in children is a tale as old as time, but it doesn’t mean you should just accept it.  Nibbling on those nails can be damaging to health and wellbeing, as well as point to underlying problems.
  • These Scandinavian Sleep Suggestions for a Restful Night

    This year on March 15th, it was World Sleep Day - an annual event organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Sleep Society (formerly World Association of Sleep Medicine) since 2008.

    The goal of World Sleep Day is to celebrate the benefits of good and healthy sleep and to draw society's attention to the burden of sleep problems and their medical, educational and social aspects while promoting the prevention and management of sleep disorders.

    It was estimated in 2019 that sleep deprivation cost the US over $400 billion a year with other first world countries also recording losses.  

    We share some suggestions from Scandinavia on how to help improve our quality of sleep...

  • Top 10 Natural Ways To Combat The Discomfort Of Hay Fever

    Certain times of the year can mean hay fever. This is an affliction for many and, with climate change, in some places this has led to milder winters and longer pollen seasons so the numbers suffering could well rise.

    But are there natural ways to combat this problem?

  • Fuss-Free Fun For Your Young Family

    Now more than ever it has become important to encourage our young children to use their imaginations to keep them entertained and happy instead of relying on electronic devices.

    Fortunately, there are "play experts" who can share their knowledge and expertise to help parents with this important work...

  • Does Your Child Have Warts?


    While warts are more common in children than adults, they can occur at any age. 

    We share the symptoms of different types of warts and what can be done to help prevent or tackle these in your child...

  • Is Constipation Causing Concern?

    Constipation can be a very uncomfortable condition to endure whether you are an adult or a child and if not addressed promptly, can lead to hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
  • Sprinkle Sesame Seeds on your Food for all their Health Benefits

    Sesame seeds are considered to be full of health benefits as they are high in energy while full of many nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins so essential for wellness.  Find out about even more health benefits and how you can add them your daily diet...
  • Is Nail Biting a Problem for You?

    Nail biting is a surprisingly common habit that usually starts in childhood, usually around the age of ten.  While some children will soon grow out of this habit, others will carry on with this distressing habit into adulthood.

    Officially known as onychophagia, it is what psychologists call a body focused repetitive behavior or BFRB.

    Find out more about this habit and what can be done to kick it.

  • A Natural Solution for Psoriasis

    If you have been diagnosed with the skin condition known as psoriasis, you need to be aware that you are at risk of developing psoriatic arthritis.  

    In fact, an estimated thirty percent of those with psoriasis can go on to develop this further condition which is a chronic and progressive form of inflammatory arthritis, causing joint pain, stiffness and swelling. These symptoms can come and go - depending on how severe the condition is in a particular case.

    However, there is some good news in that if it can be diagnosed early, this helps to reduce the risk of any permanent bone or joint damage.