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Skin Tag On Eyelid - Cause & How To Remove



What are skin tags on eyelids?

Skin tags on eyelids (acrochordons) are benign growths that appear on the skin around the eyelids. They are usually small, flesh-colored, or slightly darker, with a thin stalk connecting to the skin. Skin tags are often described as small, soft, and fleshy and can be found on various parts of the eyelids. The good news is that skin tags are not dangerous in any way and are not usually painful. They may become irritated and sensitive if they catch on clothing or jewelry.

How can I tell if the growth on my eyelid is a skin tag?

To determine if a growth on the eyelid is a skin tag, it's best to consult a dermatologist or ophthalmologist. The medical professional can examine the development, make a diagnosis based on its appearance and location, accurately diagnose the growth, and differentiate it from other skin conditions that may resemble skin tags, such as moles, warts, or even skin cancer.

What causes skin tags on the eyelids?

The exact cause of skin tags on the eyelid is not fully understood, but there are several factors that are believed to contribute to their development. Some of the most common factors include the following:

  • Skin tags on eyelids can occur on both the upper and lower eyelids and can be caused by the same factors that contribute to the development of skin tags elsewhere in the body, such as genetics, obesity, hormonal changes, friction, and insulin resistance.
  • Both males and females can be prone to these benign growths, while diabetics and those who are overweight or obese are often found with multiple skin tags on the corner of the eyelids. 
  • While skin tags may occur at any age, they are more common in the overweight or middle-aged. These growths, which may be caused by friction, can appear on the armpits, neck, chest, back, groin, under the breasts - and very commonly on the eyelids.
  • They can appear during pregnancy because of the release of certain hormones.
  • Steroid abuse can often cause the collagen fibers in the skin to join and develop into non-cancerous tumors. 

Are skin tags on eyelids harmful?

Skin tags aren't harmful. Depending on the size, visual impairment and discomfort are benign and won't turn cancerous or cause any other health problems. However, skin tags on the eyelids can be unflattering cosmetically to some and cause self-esteem issues and confidence decline.

Can skin tags on eyelids affect vision or cause eye problems?

In most cases, skin tags on eyelids do not affect vision or cause eye problems. However, if a skin tag is located where it can be easily caught on eyelashes or eyelid skin, it can become irritated or painful.

Are skin tags on eyelids related to any underlying health conditions?

The exact cause of skin tags on the eyelid is not fully understood, but the same factors contribute to the development of skin tags elsewhere in the body, such as genetics, obesity, hormonal changes, friction, and insulin resistance, are studied. Some studies have suggested that there may be an association between skin tags and metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes related to insulin resistance. It's important to note that not all people who develop skin tags have underlying health conditions. 

Will skin tags on eyelids go away on their own?

Skin tags on eyelids will not typically go away on their own and will require removal treatment. They are generally small and do not cause any discomfort. Still, if they are located in an area where they can be easily caught on eyelashes or eyelid skin, they can become irritated or painful. They can also cause cosmetic concerns and can be unpleasant.

How to remove skin tag on eyelid

Removing skin tags on eyelids should be done with care, as the eyelid area is delicate and sensitive. It's essential to consult an ophthalmologist or a dermatologist for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The medical professional can accurately determine the best method of removal for an individual case and make sure that the growth is a skin tag and not another skin condition. 

Below are some of the most common methods of removing skin tags on eyelids:

  • Excision - the skin tags are removed entirely with the aid of a scalpel. Sterilization of the skin with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol is a prerequisite before proceeding to the next step. Unfortunately, bleeding and entry of bacteria through the break in the skin can result.
  • Cryosurgery - liquid nitrogen solutions are applied directly to skin tags to freeze and destroy the skin tag.
  • Surgical ligation - a piece of thread is tied around the skin tag to shut off blood supply to the tag. An arterial forceps is then used to clamp the blood vessel, followed by ligation.
  • Radiofrequency ablation - This method uses high-frequency radio waves to destroy the skin tag.

Electrocautery - the process involves using an electric current to heat and destroy the skin tag.


    How to get rid of skin tags on eyelids naturally

    But there are more natural ways to remove eyelid skin tags at home. And the most effortless all-natural skin tag removal is the use of H-Skin Tags Formula, a natural alternative for skin tags made up of a pure blend of ingredients designed to work quickly and effectively without any pain or scarring. Our natural formula is safe for skin tags all over the body, including under the arms, on the neck and face,  and even in sensitive areas such as the eyelids.

    Can I use H-Skin Tags Formula on the eyelids?

    You just need to be aware that eyelids can be susceptible, so care must be taken when applying skin tags anywhere on the eyelids. As long as the tag is not too close to the eye, and you can use the formula without getting it in your eye, you can proceed with care.

    Can skin tags on eyelids be treated with over-the-counter medications?

    Over-the-counter (OTC) topical medications are marketed for treating skin tags; however, it's important to note that not all OTC products are safe and effective for use on the eyelids. It's best to consult a medical professional, such as a dermatologist or ophthalmologist, for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

    What are the risks associated with removing eyelids' skin tags?

    Removing skin tags on eyelids can be a delicate procedure and should be performed by a qualified medical professional. There are a few risks associated with removing skin tags on eyelids, including:

    • Pain or discomfort during or after the procedure
    • Scarring or discoloration of the skin
    • Infection or bleeding
    • Injury to the surrounding tissue or eyes
    • Recurrence of the skin tag
    • Allergic reactions to the anesthetic or treatment products

    Will skin tags on eyelids come back after removal?

    In most cases, skin tags on eyelids will not come back after they have been removed. However, some individuals may have a higher risk of developing new skin tags or recurrence of the existing ones due to genetic predisposition or other underlying factors such as obesity or diabetes.
