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Naturally Tackle Skin Tags

H-Skin Tags FormulaWhat are skin tags?

Skin tags are painless and benign growths on the skin. 

The unique fact about them is that they are connected to the skin by a small, thin stalk called a peduncle.  They become quite common in both men and women - especially after the age of fifty.

They can appear anywhere on your body, though they’re commonly found in places where there are skin folds.  These places include:  

  • the armpits
  • the groin
  • the thighs
  • the eyelids
  • the neck and
  • the area under your breasts 

What to do about skin tags?

While extra small skin tags may rub off on their own. Most skin tags stay attached to your skin and may not require treatment but they can become rather a nuisance if they continue to grow.

You can opt to have skin tags removed by more conventional methods.  These include: 

  • Cryotherapy which means freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen.
  • Surgical removal where the skin tag is removed with the help of sterile instruments.
  • Electrosurgery which involves burning off the skin tag with high-frequency electrical energy.
  • Ligation where the skin tag is removed by tying it off with surgical thread in order to cut off its blood flow.

While having small skin tags removed doesn’t usually require anesthesia, your doctor may use local anesthesia when removing large or multiple skin tags. 

H-Skin Tags Formula

How can you tackle skin tags, naturally? 

When skin tags first appear, they are small and you can easily twist them

This is the ideal time to treat them of course, especially if you don't like the look of them or they get in the way.

There are several DIY removal ways too each with its own risks.

  • Some people knowing that you will need to starve the skin tag of its blood supply will take a piece of dental floss, tie it around the base of the tag and leave it for a few days. But we do not recommend this method.
  • There is a second DIY method and that is with the use of duct tape, to seal the skin tag tightly so that no air or light can get to it. After a few days, you may find you have successfully suffocated your skin tag enough so that it falls off. There is a downside to this method. The ugly looking duct tape can cause irritation to those with a skin sensitivity.
  • Thirdly, never try to remove skin tags by snipping off with a pair of scissors as this can be very risky and dangerous because of the chance of infection and bleeding as well as mistaking the skin tag for some other kind of skin growth.

There is a safer and more gentle natural way...

You can tackle them yourself at home with an essential oils product from Healing Natural Oils without the risk of pain, bleeding or scarring.  The formula is rapidly absorbed into the skin tags where it works to gently flake them away. You can of course carry out this process in the comfort of your own home. Just one suggestion - and that is to refrain from picking or filing the tags, giving the formula the time to do its work. The tags may change in color, size and/or appearance before they begin to flake away. 

H-Skin Tags Formula

How do you know when you have a skin tag?

The main way to identify a skin tag is by the peduncle. Unlike moles and some other skin growths, skin tags hang off the skin by this small stalk.

Most skin tags are tiny, typically smaller than 2 millimeters in size. Some can grow as large as several centimeters. Skin tags are soft to the touch. They may be smooth and round, or they may be wrinkly and asymmetrical. Some skin tags are threadlike and resemble grains of rice.

Skin tags may be flesh-colored. They can also be darker than the surrounding skin due to hyperpigmentation. If a skin tag becomes twisted, it may turn black due to a lack of blood flow. 

What is my risk of getting skin tags?

You may be at greater risk of getting skin tags if you:
  • are overweight
  • are pregnant
  • have family members who have skin tags
  • have insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes
  • have HPV

While skin tags do not turn into anything sinister, they can cause irritation if they rub against clothing, jewelry or other skin.

If you have skin tags where you need to shave, then proceed with caution!  While shaving off a skin tag won’t cause permanent damage, it may well cause some pain and discomfort - and even prolonged bleeding. 

Should I see a doctor if I have skin tags?

We have already listed some of the methods of skin tag removal which would be carried out by your doctor and obviously you have to see a doctor if you wanted to embrace any of these methods.

If you are not one hundred per cent sure that you do  indeed have skin tags, you may want to see a doctor for a definite diagnosis especially as some other skin conditions such as warts and moles can resemble skin tags.


For most people, skin tags are just a nuisance. If they don’t bother you, and you’re sure of the diagnosis, you can leave them alone keeping in mind that where you have one skin tag, more may well appear.   Some skin tags are stubborn and patience is key for the process of getting rid of them.  Remember that if you’re overweight while losing weight won’t make your existing skin tags go away. It may help reduce your risk of developing more.

H-Skin Tags Formula

H-Skin Tags Formula