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Health Blog

  • Say Goodbye to Skin Tags and Moles

    Skin Tags and Moles are two types of skin growths.

    The good news is that they are both usually harmless although it is possible for moles to become suspect.

    Find out more about what you can do if you wish to remove moles or skin tags...

  • Got Moles on Your Skin?

    Moles are small, coloured spots on the skin.  While most people have them, they are not usually anything to cause concern unless they change size, shape or colour.
  • Natural Solution For Moles

    A common mole is a growth on the skin.  It develops when pigment cells grow in clusters.

    You are likely to have between ten and forty common moles which are usually found above the waist on those areas which can be exposed to the sun - but are seldom found on the scalp, breast or buttocks.

    Find out more about these common moles and why you might consider removing one or more...

  • Moles on Your Body or Face?

    When we have moles on our face, we may find them embarrassing and even a cause for concern. 

    In fact, such moles should always be checked by a dermatologist or your medical practitioner to ensure that they are not such a cause for concern. 

    It is important to know that those moles that appear in  adulthood should always be checked. You can then seriously think about removing them if that is what you wish to do.
  • Have You Checked Your Moles Recently?

    Moles are small, colored spots on the skin. You need to know that most people have them and of course they're usually nothing to worry about unless they change size, shape or color.