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  • Top Tips for Psoriasis Relief


    Psoriasis is pronounced with a silent "P" and is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales.  While these patches are normally found on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, they can actually appear anywhere on the body.  We share some top tips on how to combat this skin condition.

  • Top Tips on How to Treat the Symptoms of Hay Fever

    Spring in the Northern hemisphere can bring misery to the many who suffer from hay fever.  Allergy season can last from late March to as long as September when those allergens - especially tree pollen, grasses and weeds - are most prevalent in the natural environment and leading to sneezing, watery eyes and itchy noses.

  • Top Ten Tips for Heart Health

    Sadly, heart and circulatory disease is very common in the Western World causing many early deaths.

    But there is lots you can do to help your heart achieve a healthier status.

    We share our top ten tips here...

  • Top Ten Tips for Boosting the Brain and the Memory

    Unfortunately, we are all getting older and, as this happens, small lapses in memory and other cognitive functions may become more common.

    Whatever our age, there are simple steps to take to keep the brain healthy and boost our memory.

    We share our top ten tips to this end... 

  • The Benefits of Cold Plunging!

    We recently wrote about infrared sauna in which we covered all the benefits you can enjoy.  At the end of the post, we mentioned that it was even possible to follow the typical Scandinavian habit of immersing yourself in icy water after your sauna when you have an ice bath set up close by! 

    Now it is time to share some information of the benefits of that ice bath!

  • Could Raw Honey be the Queen of the Superfoods?

    Raw honey has so many more health benefits than processed honey including a superior taste, extra enzymes, more antioxidants plus the ability to relieve allergies. 

    If you suffer from hay fever for example, eating raw honey from your local area can help to alleviate the allergy.

    We share a recipe using raw honey to make your very own detox drink...

  • What are the Early Signs and Symptoms of the Perimenopause?

    We read and hear a lot about the menopause these days but perhaps not so much about the more subtle signs and symptoms of the perimenopause - that stage before the menopause when ostrogen levels begin to fall.

    In fact, they can be so subtle that you might miss them altogether and not realize what is happening to your body.

    In this post, we set out below some of those easy-to-miss and early signs and symptoms of the perimenopause...

  • Treat Arthritis Symptoms Naturally

    Arthritis is a condition that affects many of us and, as we get older, we worry about the symptoms causing more pain and discomfort.  We share some ways on how these symptoms can be alleviated.
  • How to Know if You Have Hives and How to Treat Them

    Hives are red, raised, and very itchy bumps that can form anywhere on the skin, including the scalp. Hives tend to come and go within a few hours but they may well come back again - and if they do come and go on for longer than 6 weeks, they’re called chronic (long-lasting) hives. 
  • Ginger is a Popular Spice Worldwide with its Many Health Benefits

    Fresh ginger root is always easy to source and is a popular and well loved addition to our diets.  But it also comes with a long list of health benefits which are because of its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and therapeutic compounds.  Find out more about these benefits...
  • Saunas are not Just for the Swedes as they have Health Benefits for Everyone

    Many people may not realize that having a regular sauna comes with a list of health benefits.  We share those benefits - and also our top ten tips on how to enjoy your first sauna experience...
  • What is Granuloma Annulare and How Can This Condition Be Helped?

    Granuloma annulare is a chronic skin condition that causes raised reddish or skin-colored bumps in a ring pattern, usually on the hands and feet. Find out more about the symptoms, the causes and possible natural remedies...