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Health Blog

  • Discover Psoriasis Solutions

    Psoriasis can be an uncomfortable skin condition.   We share the symptoms, the different types and how to help treat psoriasis...
  • Top Tips for Psoriasis Relief


    Psoriasis is pronounced with a silent "P" and is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales.  While these patches are normally found on the elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, they can actually appear anywhere on the body.  We share some top tips on how to combat this skin condition.

  • Unlocking the Secrets of Psoriasis Care

    Psoriasis on the scalp is a common place where this skin condition can occur.  We share the symptoms along with information on how to help.

  • Psoriasis and How Meditation Can Help With the Symptoms

    Psoriasis is a long-lasting, noncontagious autoimmune disease appearing as raised areas of abnormal skin that can be red, pink or purple as well as dry, itchy and scaly. 

    And it can cause considerable discomfort...

  • Why Do We Get Cramps In Our Limbs?

    Getting sudden cramps in our limbs can be surprisingly painful when it occurs.

    This is a common and usually harmless condition where the muscles in your legs suddenly become tight and painful.  It can happen in the middle of the night when you suddenly stretch out a leg or it can occur in the middle of an important sporting event when one of the participants has to stop and seek medical assistance.

  • Psoriasis or Eczema?

    Psoriasis and Eczema are certainly both serious skin conditions.  But is that where the similarity ends?
  • Wrinkles will Definitely Come with Smoking

    While smokers are usually well aware that cigarette smoking puts their health at risk, they might not realize that their skin can be seriously affected too.

    The problem is that cigarettes are full of toxins that can lead to premature aging, wrinkles and other skin conditions.  In fact, if you have an existing skin condition, smoking can aggravate this condition.

  • Itchy Scalps can be very Irritating!

    An itchy scalp can cause a lot of discomfort.  It is wise to try and find out what is causing the itchiness before you decide on a solution.
  • Got Psoriasis or Rosacea?

    There are two skin conditions that can cause confusion and these are psoriasis and rosacea.  Find out more about the differences and what they have in common...
  • Eczema in the Ear and the Connection with Ear Wax

    Eczema in the ear can appear as a red, itchy rash that develops on the outside of the ear or inside the ear canal...