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Health Blog

  • Can Artificial Light Cause Us Harm?

    Unfortunately, artificial light CAN cause us harm.  Such harmful effects on our human health include:

    • An increased risk for sleep disorders, depression, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and more.
    • The disruption of the human body clock and our hormonal system.
    • An increased risk of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders.  This is  where the circadian rhythm is misaligned with the natural light-dark cycle.
    • The problem of hazards for the eyes and the skin.  
  • Making Your Home Smell Fresh, Naturally

    Unfortunately, many of can still be the target of synthetic scents which can cause harm.

    We share some of the toxic health effects of synthetic scents and how you can find more natural ways to make your home smell good...

  • Top Tips to deal with Migraine Headaches

    Researchers have discovered that one in six people around the world has a headache on any given day - with almost half of these headaches being migraines.
  • Ginger is a Popular Spice Worldwide with its Many Health Benefits

    Fresh ginger root is always easy to source and is a popular and well loved addition to our diets.  But it also comes with a long list of health benefits which are because of its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and therapeutic compounds.  Find out more about these benefits...