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  • Stretch Marks or Cellulite? Here’s How to Tell Them Apart

    These two skin conditions can cause confusion with their appearance but there are distinct differences to help you distinguish between the two.
  • Say Goodbye to Stretch Marks and Cellulite

    These two different skin conditions - namely, stretch marks and cellulite - will both affect the skin and cause embarrassment.

    But how do they differ and what can we do to help...

  • How to Cope with Stretch Marks

    Stretch marks can appear on different parts of the body, typically with the look of bands of lines running across the skin.  Even rapidly growing adolescents can notice some stretch marks appearing.  Find out more about the signs and symptoms of stretch marks...
  • A Lazy Eye has been a Childhood Problem for Many Years

    A lazy eye is medically known as amblyopia and is a type of reduced vision that occurs in one eye.  It is called a lazy eye because the stronger eye works best.

    This condition is the most common cause of visual impairment in children, usually occurring between birth and seven years of age.

    We share the symptoms and what treatment is available...

  • How Much Hydration Do We Really Need?

    For many years, we have all been encouraged to drink eight glasses of water daily to ensure we are well hydrated.
    Now scientists and researchers are having second thoughts on this long held belief...
  • Reduce the Appearance of Stretch Marks

    As the name suggests, stretch marks (striae) can appear when there is rapid stretching of the skin, appearing as parallel streaks of red, thinned glossy skin that over time become whitish and scar like in appearance.  Find out more about the causes and what you can do to get rid of those stretch marks.