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  • Age Spots on Your Hands?

     Sadly, our hands will often be the first area to show our age.  They can betray us more than our neck, our chest, our face or even our gray hair!

    As we age, the skin on our hands grows thinner and slacker with obvious bulging veins - and age spots.

  • Do You Suffer From Acid Reflux? Here Are Ten Tips to Help

    We share the symptoms of acid reflux together with the heartburn that accompanies it along with top tips to help....
  • Say Goodbye to Unsightly Veins

    Whether you suffer from spider veins, varicose veins or both, these are surprisingly common.

    We share the signs and symptoms of both types of veins together with solutions...


  • 5 Must-Try Natural Beauty Products

    We can share many products you can use for natural skin care - but here are five to start you off for an excellent daily skin care routine...
  • Natural Hemorrhoid & Fissure Relief!

    Those who suffer from either of these conditions can become confused perhaps not realizing that hemorrhoids and anal fissures are different conditions.

    • A hemorrhoid is when a vein in the anus becomes swollen.
    • An anal fissure is when there is a tear or a crack in the anus.
    Although both conditions can cause pain and bleeding because they are treated differently, it is important to be able to tell them apart.
  • Say Goodbye to Children's Warts!

    Flat warts are the most common type of warts in children, usually appearing on the cheeks or forehead but they can also be seen on the backs of the hands and on the legs with the appearance of smooth, flat-topped, yellow-brown papules. They are pink, brown or yellowish in color. 

    Find out more about how to prevent warts in children and how to get rid of them, safely and gently...

  • Top Solutions for Rosacea & Eczema

    There are two serious skin conditions that can sometimes cause confusion. 

    These are eczema and rosacea.

    We share the differences, making it easier to tell them apart.

  • Tips For Warts & Verrucas in Children

    Children and teens are more likely to get plantar warts or verrucas than other age groups. 

    They are more susceptible to warts because their immune systems are not fully developed, and the areas on their body are more prone to a minor injury, so often a break in the skin makes it easy for the wart to enter.

    It may take two to six months after exposure for plantar warts to appear...

  • How to Achieve Instant Calm with these Simple Solutions

    Sadly, more and more of us today seem to suffer from stress and anxiety.  And it is not helped by being bombarded with information and stimuli from technology (and its advances), from the media and even from our own environment.

    But help is at hand as we share some suggestions on how to reduce that stress and anxiety and help to achieve a calmer life for ourselves..

  • Now is the Time to Take Care of Your Gut Health

    When Spring comes round each year, we will often get the urge to spring clean our homes, our wardrobes and even our cars!  But have you ever given a thought to spring cleaning your gut?

    This can be an ideal time to think about how you look after your gut health.

    We share six suggestions on how this can be successfully achieved...

  • Say Goodbye to Stretch Marks and Cellulite

    These two different skin conditions - namely, stretch marks and cellulite - will both affect the skin and cause embarrassment.

    But how do they differ and what can we do to help...

  • Unlocking the Secrets of Psoriasis Care

    Psoriasis on the scalp is a common place where this skin condition can occur.  We share the symptoms along with information on how to help.