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  • How to Use those Conkers, the Seeds of the Horse Chestnut Tree

    Conkers are the name given to the seeds of the horse chestnut tree.

    These conkers are a lovely large brown and tactile seed and they can be put to good use once you have collected them and they are no longer contained in their spikey cases.

  • An Apple a Day Still Holds True

    But apples are not just for cider and for apple juice

    They are for eating fresh too!  Find out about all the benefits when you eat an apple a day...

  • Time to Change Seasons for Your Wardrobe

    Whether you are going into winter or summer, this is the right time of the year to take a rain check on your clothes for the coming season. 

    And to take the opportunity to deep clean your closet for a fresh start to the season.

    We share four important steps to follow...


  • Do You Enjoy an Old Fashioned Fire in the Winter Months?

    If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, then now is definitely the right time to start thinking and planning for getting your fireplace ready for the winter ahead.

    Everyone wants a cosy place to spend their evenings when it is dark and wintery.  And they want that cosiness to be trouble-free.

    We share a few tips so that you can plan for lighting that fire!

  • How To Tap into Our Senses for a Feel Good Home

    We all know about our five senses, but we might not realize that everything we see, hear, touch, taste and smell influences both our emotions and our experience of wellbeing in our homes.
  • Top Ten Uses for BORAX

    You might never have thought about having a box of borax in your home but perhaps it is time to think again because this natural and even old-fashioned home help has so much to offer.

    With a history going back some one hundred years, borax is a 100% naturally occuring mineral.  It is formed by the seasonal evaporation of salt lakes.  Borax is made up of boron, sodium, water and oxygen. 

  • Trees Provide So Many Benefits Including Helping to Reduce Risk of Dementia

    We have written before about the wonders of trees in particular and nature in general but now new research is pointing to an additional benefit, telling us that living near trees may help reduce the risk of dementia.   Find out more...
  • These Sleep Disorders Can Occur with Aging

    There are so many reasons why we all need a good night's sleep - whatever our age.

    However, in older adults, ongoing sleep disorders can lead to much bigger problems such as irritability, low energy and an increased risk of falling...

  • Is This New Way to De-Clutter a Useful Tool?

    We are frequently urged to de-clutter with a variety of suggestions but now a new technique known as Swedish Death Cleaning is gaining popularity, helping you to look at your stuff and declutter.

    It could just give you that added impetus to go for "less stuff, more happiness".

  • Don't Let your Brain Just Drain Away

    Do you spend a lot of time in front of a screen, keeping up with your workload?

    Do you feel totally exhausted by the end of your working day?

    Does this mean that you feel you should do nothing more after work except curl up on the sofa before you go to bed?

    Answering "yes" to these questions could mean that "brain drain" is slowing you down and leading to fatigue.

  • How Soundly You Sleep Could Lower Your Stroke Risk

    A recent study has come to the conclusion that those people who enjoy a good night's sleep are less likely to suffer from a stroke.

    They researchers point out that the worrying factor is that some nine out of ten people do not usually get such a good night's sleep.

  • Fruit and Vegetables Don't Have to be the Perfect Shape

    With food shortages and an increasing cost of living crisis hitting many parts of the world, it becomes more important than ever that every bit of food is put to good use.