Health Blog
How to Heal More Quickly After Injury or Surgery
Have you been injured or are you undergoing surgery?
We share all the ways in which you can help your body to recover more quickly...
Are You Still Walking Ten Thousand Steps a Day?
In recent years, there has been a lot of hype in the media about the importance of walking lots of steps every day - with the emphasis on the number ten thousand.
But how relative is this now?
If you used to count your daily steps, are you still doing so - and is this an advisable plan to follow?
Nail Fungus or Athletes Foot?
If you are suffering from nail fungus or athletes foot, we share helpful tips and solutions for these two fungal infections... -
Choose Your Decade, Then Choose Your Exercise
Every decade of our life comes with different needs and as you move through the various phases of your life, you can find the most suitable form of exercise for that time.
We start with the very young and work right through to the over seventies. There is something for everyone!
The Importance of Hydration to Slow Down Aging
A recent study by the US National Institute of Health has been published in eBio Medicine.
This study on the benefits of good hydration tracked sodium levels in the blood of over eleven thousand adults. For obvious reasons, sodium levels increase when less fluid is consumed.
Those with higher sodium levels were sixty four percent more likely to develop chronic diseases - those such as heart failure, lung disease, diabetes, stroke and dementia - than those in the medium ranges.
Reduce the Appearance of Stretch Marks
As the name suggests, stretch marks (striae) can appear when there is rapid stretching of the skin, appearing as parallel streaks of red, thinned glossy skin that over time become whitish and scar like in appearance. Find out more about the causes and what you can do to get rid of those stretch marks. -
Athlete's Foot Could Also Be Called Athlete's Hand
Although the transmission of athlete's foot from the feet to the hands is rare, if it does occur it usually affects the palm of one hand causing a dry, red and itchy area.
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