How to Help Your Eyes Sparkle and Shine!
Our eyes are such an important part of our face and our look. Let them come alive so they sparkle and shine all the time.
Don't let them become dull, lifeless and bloodshot. There are lots of reasons why this can happen. It may be due to lack of sleep, long working hours, too much screen time, alcohol and smoking, becoming dehydrated or even various health problems.
We share these lifestyle changes To ensure you have clear and sparkling eyes!
1. Getting good quality and sufficient sleep
This ideally means eight hours of uninterrupted and restful sleep.
- Try to go to bed in the evening and wake up again in the morning at a set time.
- Sleep in a quiet, dark and well-ventilated room.
- Avoid a heavy meal or drinking alcohol beforehand. This will help to avoid eyes that look droopy, dull and tired as well as dark circles and puffiness under your eyes.
2. Your eyes need exercise too
Eye exercises will help to add sparkle to your eyes while alleviating eye strain and improve blood circulation to them.
- Shut your eyes and squeeze them tightly. Then open them quickly, as wide as possible. Repeat until the eyes begin to water. This will help your eyes look and feel fresh and bright.
- Try moving a pen or pencil horizontally and vertically in front of your eyes, keeping your eyes focused on the tip of the pen. Do this exercise for 10 to 15 minutes daily.
- An unusual exercise to try is to rub the palms of your hands together until they become warm, then place them over your closed eyelids for a few minutes.
3. Chill with the cucumber
Cut a few thick slices of cucumber and cool in the refrigerator for ten to fifteen minutes before placing on your closed eyelids until they warm up. Wash your eyes with fresh water and then repeat if necessary. This will help to soothe dull and tired eyes.
4. Hydrate those eyes
One way is to splash your eyes with room-temperature water a few times daily, helping to get rid of tired and dull eyes. Dry eyes can often be a problem which can be caused by staring at your computer screen too long. Take breaks and blink often to prevent your eyes drying out. Drinking plenty of water and consuming plenty of water-based fruits and veggies will also help.
5. How about a gentle eye massage?
Apply a few drops of olive oil or coconut oil to your fingers and gently massage the inner corners of your eyes, the center of your brows, the outer corners and just below the eyes - at least once a day to improve blood circulation to your eyes, reduce eye strain and prevent fine lines.
6. Tea bags are another useful tool
Steep two tea bags (black or green) in a cup of water for five minutes, remove and squeeze out any water before refrigerating for fifteen minutes. Place on closed eyes for five minutes at a time as frequently as you feel the need.
7. Using some cold milk
This will help to get rid of tired eyes, add sparkle while helping to soothe and relax the muscles around the eyes. Achieve this by soaking two cotton balls in cold milk and placing on closed eyelids for ten to fifteen minutes before cleansing and moisturizing.
8. A warm compress
This will relax those muscles around the eyes, helping to restore that sparkle! Dip a soft cloth in warm water and wring out the excess water before placing the warm cloth over closed eyelids for a minute. Repeat the process three or four times as needed.
9. Include those foods that are nutritious for your eyes
These include carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, bell peppers, salmon, squash, guava, oranges, limes and papaya.
10. Use a natural eye serum
Our own Simply Eye Serum is the perfect natural remedy for enhancing the skin around your eyes naturally with pure oils to moisturize and rejuvenate any dark circles or bags under the eyes.
The perfect finishing touch for ensuring your eyes sparkle naturally!
Regular physical exercise, a stress-free environment and healthy lifestyle habits help a lot to ensure a radiant and brilliant shine to your eyes!
SOURCES: .(Accessed May 20, 2021). .(Accessed May 20, 2021). .(Accessed May 20, 2021). .(Accessed May 20, 2021).