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Health Blog

  • Try these Water Remedies to Help with Many Conditions

    There are several different ways in which you can use water as a base with other natural substances to provide a home remedy for many conditions.  Find out all about these natural water remedies.
  • Are You Confusing Milia with Whiteheads?

    Milia are tiny white bumps that usually form on the face on that skin around the eyes, the nose and the cheeks. 

    While sometimes they occur spontaneously, at other times they can happen in response to skin damage.

    Find out more about this skin condition...

  • What To Do When Acne Outbreaks Lead to Scars

    The problem with having acne in your teens and even in your twenties is that it can damage your skin cells.  Even though your acne may appear to have disappeared, deep depressions or scar tissue can remain behind.

    Your acne symptoms may disappear over time but you could still be left with acne scarring, giving your skin an irregular appearance.

    Find out more about what to do to prevent acne and acne scarring in the first place...

  • Whiteheads, Blackheads & Why They Can Progress To Pimples & Acne

    Whiteheads are pimples that are filled with pus and this is what gives them their name while blackheads are often considered to the be first stage of acne.Â