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Health Blog

  • A Flight of Stairs Can be Your Friend!

    In an earlier post, we wrote about how climbing the stairs was good for your heart health.  In fact, if you can make the effort to climb just fifty stairs each and every day, this action could slash your risk of heart disease by twenty percent. 

    We pointed out that many people (as they get older) try to avoid stairs, often choosing to move into a home without stairs if they can when a flight of stairs can actually be your friend!  

  • Do You Have Moles or Skin Tags?

    Moles and skin tags are both skin growths that appear for different reasons.

    Skin tags form on the skin surface, whereas moles tend to be rooted deeper within the skin. Hair can grow inside moles but not skin tags.

    Find out more about what you can do if you wish to remove moles or skin tags...

  • How To Form A New Habit More Easily

    We would all like to be efficient and organized in our daily lives.  And one of the ways we can do this is to start and keep new habits.

    We share some suggestions on how you can make this happen...


  • Top Ten Tips for Heart Health

    Sadly, heart and circulatory disease is very common in the Western World causing many early deaths.

    But there is lots you can do to help your heart achieve a healthier status.

    We share our top ten tips here...

  • Got Keloid Scars or Any Other Scars?

    A keloid scar is an overgrowth of tissue that occurs when too much collagen is produced at the site of a wound.

    That scar will just keep on growing - even after the wound itself has healed.

    Find out more about how to tell when you have a keloid scar and what you can do about it.

  • How to Make Sure Your Home Smells Good Without Toxic Chemicals

    We all want our homes to smell good and welcoming and the advertizers take advantage of that wish by promoting air fresheners and diffusers that are full of chemicals.

    So how can we take the more natural route to ensure a sweet smelling home?

    We share some suggestions...

  • Eight Great Foods to Help You Sleep More Soundly

    Everyone craves a good night's sleep but you might not know that there are certain foods that can help with improving the quality of your sleep.

    We share eight suggestions.


  • Change of Season? Time to De-Clutter!

    No matter how careful you are to prevent hoarding and clutter, just about everyone will have some areas in their home that need attention.  

    The end of summer is a good time to have a re-think about what you can do in your spaces to do some de-cluttering.

    We share some steps you can take to make this task less daunting.

    While every home is different, there are some hotspots in almost all of them that are particularly prone to clutter.

    We share what some of these hotspots are so you can make a great start.

  • How Embracing Natural Grey or White Hair Comes with Benefits

    When women get to a certain age, they may feel the pressure to allow their hair to grow through with its natural color - whether it be grey, white or a combination of the two.

    But for many, this is a big step to take...

    We share some valid reasons why you should not feel put off by taking such a step.

  • Top Ten Tips to Keep Your Children Healthy at School

    With cooler weather coming in the northern hemisphere, and our children back at school after their summer vacations, we might find that they are picking up bugs.

    We share some top ten tips on how can we best protect them going forward to ensure they stay as healthy as possible in the coming months?

  • What Can You Do If You Have a Fear of Heights?

    It is surprisingly common for people of all ages to have a fear of heights.  This phobia is known as acrophobia.

    When such a fear is experienced, it can also lead to anxiety and panic attacks.  It is said that some three to six percent of people suffer from acrophobia and it is even considered normal for many to feel nervous and tense when high up - with young children and animals having an innate fear of falling.

    We share more information about the symptoms and how you can help to overcome this phobia.

  • Arthritis and How It Can Affect Your Knees

    When you have arthritis, the knees are often one of the areas most affected. 

    In some sufferers, it becomes serious enough to warrant a knee replacement of one or even both knees.  But in others, doing the right sort of exercise can be extremely helpful...