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Why it is so Important to Give and to Get Hugs


While we may not pay too much attention to the subject of hugging, we need to know that a hug from a partner, a close friend or a family member can mean so much.

This source of greeting or comfort can have positive effects on our brain and body.  There are so many reasons why hugs are good for your health and wellbeing...

Some of the reasons why hugging is a good idea

  • The release of oxytocin.  When we interact with others in particular ways, our brains release a chemical called oxytocin, sometimes known as the love or hug hormone.  Oxytocin is naturally released by the brain when having a baby, breastfeeding and having sex. But it is also released in response to warm touch - when you’re hugging or being hugged, helping you to handle stress, improve your relationships and boosts your wellbeing.
  • Hugging could lower your blood pressure - Following one study, it was found that a twenty second hug could help improve your heart health by lowering your blood pressure. A hug may also help you out when you’re about to do a stressful task.
  • Improving your mood - Another study found that getting a hug could help improve a bad mood on days when you’ve had some conflict with another person.
  • Helping with pain and sickness  - When we’re stressed and run down, we’re more likely to pick up an illness or infection.  A further study suggested that hugs could help prevent this finding that those who received frequent hugs displayed fewer signs of illness.  It could be that hugs buffer those stressors that can sometimes lead to illness and infection.  As mentioned earlier in this post, we know that when we hug, we release oxytocin which also has pain-overriding effects. In one study, people with fibromyalgia had six therapeutic touch treatments. Each treatment involved light touching on the skin. The participants reported an increase in quality of life and reduced pain.
  • Hugs help you communicate with others - While most human communication occurs verbally or through facial expressions. hugging is another important way that people can send messages to one another. Hugging is a very comforting and communicative type of touch. 

And then there are benefits from giving yourself a hug!

Even giving yourself a hug could have potential benefits. In one study, twenty people either crossed their arms (a bit like you do when you give a hug) or they kept their arms by their sides. They were then given some laser and electrical sensations.

The results showed that crossed arms reduced how intense the sensations felt, suggesting that doing this may disrupt how your brain processes where pain is coming from.

How to give yourself a hug! 

  • Wrap your arms around yourself. Bring your left arm across your chest and place your left hand on your right shoulder or upper arm.
  • Give yourself a nice big squeeze.
  • Press both arms into your body.
  • Hold for as long as necessary.


When a friend or family member is dealing with something painful or unpleasant in their lives, give them a hug.

Scientists say that giving another person support through touch can reduce the stress of the person being comforted. It can even reduce the stress of the person doing the comforting.

And the length of a hug can also impact its health benefits, with a ten second hug helping to fight infections and ease depression, and a twenty second hug helping to reduce stress and relieve blood pressure.


