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A Natural Solution for Psoriasis

H-Psoriasis Formula

If you have been diagnosed with the skin condition known as psoriasis, you need to be aware that you are at risk of developing psoriatic arthritis.  

In fact, an estimated thirty percent of those with psoriasis can go on to develop this further condition which is a chronic and progressive form of inflammatory arthritis, causing joint pain, stiffness and swelling. These symptoms can come and go - depending on how severe the condition is in a particular case.

However, there is some good news in that if it can be diagnosed early, this helps to reduce the risk of any permanent bone or joint damage.

What are the symptoms of the skin condition known as psoriasis?

Symptoms vary from person to person and may include:
  • Red patches with thick, silvery scales which may range from a few spots to large areas of scaly patches.
  • Small scaling spots, commonly noted in children.
  • Dry, cracked skin which may be accompanied by bleeding.
  • Itching, burning and painful lesions which may be accompanied by soreness.
  • Thick, pitted or ridged nails.
  • Swollen joints with stiffness.
If you are experiencing new, severe or persistent symptoms, please contact your health care provider.



What are the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis in the hands and feet?

  • Stiff and swollen fingers which make it hard to perform basic everyday tasks.
  • The nails can become discolored (yellowing or browning); they can become thick and pitted; the nail can separate from the nail bed; there can be a chalky buildup under the nail along with nail tenderness or pain. Nail psoriasis can resemble a fungal infection or some can suffer from both conditions at the same time. A nail skin cell sample can be tested for a fungal infection.
  • The feet can feel swollen, sore and stiff, making it painful to work or stand for long periods. Other symptoms in the feet can include ankle swelling, toe swelling (especially of the big toe), pain in the bottom of the heel or the Achilles tendon. It is important to take notice of any foot symptoms as if left untreated, foot deformity is possible. A physical or occupational therapist can help with exercises and stretches to avoid stress on the feet, to protect the joints and to keep them flexible.

To sum up, the most common symptoms include:

Joints that are painful, swollen and warm; stiffness, especially in the morning; back pain; pain or tenderness; reduced range of motion; swollen fingers and toes; eye problems including redness, irritation and sensitivity to light; nail changes; and/or fatigue.



How to help with the symptoms of psoriasis?

One way is to identify and avoid any triggers.  This can take some  detective work, but noticing a pattern can help you avoid things that cause your psoriasis to flare up.

Some of the common triggers include:

  • Stress
  • Skin injury
  • Illness
  • Exposure to cold, dry air
  • Allergies and certain foods
  • Alcohol
  • Environmental factors

There are numerous natural strategies that can help manage psoriasis at home. These include keeping your skin moist, applying aloe vera, taking warm baths, exposing yourself to sunlight, reducing stress, trying herbs and nutrients, and avoiding alcohol and smoking. 

H-Psoriasis Formula

H-Psoriasis Formula will tackle psoriasis symptoms and many other reactive skin issues (including psoriatic arthritis) naturally.  Safe to use, gentle and will help to  soothe the skin rather than irritate it further with harsh chemicals while at the same time help to reduce the symptoms of itching and redness irritation.

The Formula is applied to the affected areas three times a day with just a few drops per application being necessary.  It can also be added to the bath for a  restorative soak.

When used as directed, the Formula will help with the symptoms of this non-contagious skin disease however severe by first clearing the flaking and lesions and then repairing the damaged skin.

How can you find relief for psoriatic arthritis?

For hands and fingers:

  • Massaging the affected areas
  • Applying a hot or cold compress to reduce swelling
  • Wearing hand splints to help stabilize and protect your wrist and fingers
  • Taking regular breaks when typing or writing
  • Performing hand and wrist exercises to help stretch and strengthen the muscles

For nails:

  • Be proactive in caring for your nails as nail injury can worsen nail psoriasis and trigger flair-ups
  • Keep your nails short
  • Moisturize nails after soaking
  • Wear gloves when doing dishes, housework, or gardening
  • Use clear polish (this is because colored polish can mask signs of disease)
  • Avoid soaking hands for too long or pushing the cuticles too aggressively (this is because it can lead to tiny tears)

For feet:

  • Wear shoe inserts to help relieve pressure on the feet
  • The right footwear is important which should be roomy to accommodate any potential swelling; open-toed can feel more loose; select breathable materials for footwear (leather or canvas); and ensure proper arch support.

Healing Natural Oils have two products to help with relief for psoriatic arthritis

One is H-Arthritis Formula which is a 100% natural product for the symptoms of arthritis. The formula is applied topically and uses established homeopathic ingredients to relieve arthritis discomfort safely and gently. This breakthrough easy delivery method allows for easy application and fast relief!

H-Arthritis Formula

And the other is H-Psoriasis Formula helping to tackle psoriasis symptoms and many other reactive skin issues (including psoriatic arthritis) naturally. Natural products are generally safe to use, gentle and help soothe the skin rather than irritate it further with harsh chemicals.

H-Psoriasis Formula


Natural Medicines. Oregon grape. https://naturalmedicines.therapeuticresearch.com. (Accessed Feb 13, 2021).

Kermott CA, et al., eds. Psoriasis. In: Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies. 2nd ed. Time; 2017.
Bolognia JL, et al., eds. Ultraviolet therapy. In: Dermatology. 4th ed. Saunders Elsevier; 2018. https://www.clinicalkey.com. (Accessed Feb 13, 2021).

Bolognia JL, et al., eds. Systemic immunomodulators. In: Dermatology. 4th ed. Saunders Elsevier; 2018. https://www.clinicalkey.com. (Accessed Feb 13, 2021).