Allergy Season may be Getting Longer

Springtime means a new season with lovely flowers, new green leaves and blossoms to be enjoyed by many. But others who are prone to hay fever can really suffer during the pollen season.
Here in the UK, it is birch pollen that seems to be the biggest culprit when it comes to heaping misery on hay fever sufferers in spring. Beverley Adams-Groom is a pollen forecaster at Worcester University in the UK who has warned that the current year is likely to be one of the worst seasons for birch pollen on record. But of course different countries will have their own culprits to cause misery to their inhabitants.
Climate change is said to be pushing up the general levels of hay ever, meaning that any given year is likely to be slightly worse than it would otherwise have been as a result of warming temperatures. At the same time, hay fever seasons are starting to overlap.
Scientists say the lengthening of hay fever seasons could also mean that hay fever sufferers experience a double hit of symptoms as pollen seasons overlap.
When you are one of those who suffer from hay fever, what can you do to help alleviate your symptoms apart from resorting to medications?
Here are some 8 different methods to try
1. Use an all natural salt water nasal spray daily to relieve those irritating symptoms. Such a spray works by helping to wash pollen out of the nose so that the itching and irritating is reduced. Salt is well known for relieving inflammation where it occurs in the upper respiratory tract. If you can relieve the inflammation, you can ease those symptoms of allergies such as asthma and hay fever.
2. Healing herbs when taken as tincture or tea can successfully treat those hay fever symptoms. If possible, look for a healing herb product that includes a combination of nettle, chamomile and elderberry. With their anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties, you will find this to be an effective solution to those sneezes and wheezes.
3. Sometimes just a simple pollen barrier is sufficient to do the job. Use a natural and sticky barrier cream which is applied around the nostrils several times a day to form a first line of defense against pollen, trapping those particles and stopping them in their tracks by as much as 75%.
4. Personal air filters are another natural way to stop the pollen and other allergens before they can get into the nose. Tiny plugs worn in the nostrils filter out the harmful pollen and mold spores from the air as you breathe in and can be ordered online.
5. Homeopathic remedies are a great way to treat hay fever symptoms and there are many different ones available for you to use. They can be especially useful if you are pregnant, providing a safe alternative to pharmaceutical antihistamines. Look for homeopathic remedies at your local health store, online or consult an homeopath for a tailor-made solution.
6. Infrared light is another method that might interest you.
7. Acupuncture is a well known method for relieving the symptoms of so many different conditions and now you can add hay fever symptoms to the list. Regular acupuncture treatment can reduce the stuffiness, runny noses, itching and sneezing that so many suffer from when they are allergic to pollen and other hay fever causes. While an initial treatment may give instant relief to the symptoms, some will need up to six treatments for optimum benefits.
8. Did you know that the gut is the second brain for your body and that having the right balance of gut flora and fauna is essential for your immune system and of course your general health and well being. A good quality probiotic can work wonders in achieving balance in your gut and reducing the likelihood of allergies. While it can be helpful to take one every day during the hay fever season, daily use throughout the year can lead to optimum health on every level.
As a final sweetener, get a taste of your local honey!
Honey that is local to where you live is said to work wonders for hay fever sufferers.
This honey really has to be local. Normal honey you find in a supermarket won’t do the trick, as the bees need to create the honey from local pollen. Once you start eating this, you’ll build up a natural tolerance to the pollen in your area. All it takes is a teaspoon each day and you’re set to go.
You can usually find local honey in small independent shops or markets.

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Bielory L. Complementary and alternative therapies for allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. -(Accessed June 28, 2021).
Pet dander. American Lung Association. -(Accessed June 28, 2021).
Seidman MD, et al. Clinical practice guideline: Allergic rhinitis. Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery. 2015;152:S1. -(Accessed June 28, 2021).
Cockroach allergy. American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. June 28, 2021).
AskMayoExpert. Allergy testing: Indications. Rochester, Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2018.