Camomile Can Help You to Sleep More Soundly

What is camomile tea?
Camomile (or Chamomile which is an alternative spelling) is a herb that produces small, daisy-like flowers that are then dried and steeped in water to make camomile tea.
The varieties that are known as Roman, German or Egyptian are those that are used to make the tea. The Egyptians are thought to be the oldest to have used the herb but back then, the herb was used only as a cold remedy. But this is still one of the herb's benefits today.
Camomile is one of the top herbal teas.
How can we benefit from drinking camomile tea?
Number 1 is to help us to sleep better. Insomnia is such a problem in our modern world but camomile tea is recognized for its relaxing properties, helping to ensure a good night’s sleep. It is thought that this could be due to its phytonutrient content - specifically a compound called apigenin - which is believed to have sedative effects. In 2015, research found that drinking camomile tea helped postpartum women improve their sleep quality.
Number 2 is to help ease anxiety. Some research has found that this tea can be beneficial to those who struggle with mild anxiety, helping them to feel more calm and relaxed.
Number 3 is helping those with diabetes type two. Camomile may help improve blood sugar regulation in those with diabetes by supressing blood sugar levels and helping to improve liver glycogen storage. In a small study, sixty four adults with type 2 diabetes, drank three cups of camomile tea a day immediately after meals - for eight weeks. The result was a significant decrease in their HbA1C markers (which is often used as an indicator for diabetes), as well as improved glycaemic control and blood lipid profile.
Number 4 is helping with digestive issues. Further study has found that drinking camomile tea regularly may help to reduce smooth muscle spasms in the gut, benefiting those with inflammatory digestive issues such as diverticulitis and oesophageal reflux. In addition, the camomile tea may also offer preventative measures against a fairly common bacteria known as H. Pylori (or Helicobacter Pylori) which can contribute to the appearance of stomach ulcers.
Number 5 is helping to reduce menstrual pain. Several studies have linked camomile tea to reduced severity of menstrual cramps. As well as reducing the pain, studies have found that women experienced less anxiety and distress associated with period pain.
Number 6 is slowing or preventing osteoporosis. When we lose bone density, we increase the risk of broken bones and stooped posture especially in post-menopausal women. Research has found that camomile tea could have anti-estrogenic effects, helping to promote bone density.
Number 7 is reducing inflammation. This immune system reaction is useful for fighting infection but long-term inflammation is linked to a wide range of health problems, including hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal pain, arthritis, autoimmune disorders and even depression. Camomile tea contains chemical compounds that could help reduce such inflammation.
Number 8 is treating the symptoms of colds. In this case, you don't drink the tea but you inhale the steam with camomile extract to help to relieve the symptoms of the common cold.
Is camomile tea safe to drink for everyone?
While camomile tea is considered safe for most people, there have been adverse reports from those few people who already have a daisy allergy (which includes plants such as ragweed and chrysanthemums).
it is safest to start with a low dosage and work up to larger doses slowly.
How often should I drink this tea?
Ideally, if you are taking the tea to help you sleep, it is best to drink it in the evening to help you relax and sleep better.
However, if you have type 2 diabetes, try drinking a cup after mealtimes.
You can grow and dry your own camomile flowers or you can buy chamomile in teabags, or as a loose-leaf tea. We have the plant growing on our allotment, it is almost like a weed and self-seeds easily. My daughter regularly picks and dries the flowers to make her own tea which she finds a great help with any insomnia.
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Khan, S. S., Najam, R., Anser, H., Riaz, B., & Alam, N. (2014). Chamomile tea: Herbal hypoglycemic alternative for conventional medicine. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 27(5), 1509-1514 - (Accessed July 5, 2021).
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