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Fordyce Spots is the Name Given to this Common Skin Condition

 width= Fordyce spots are whitish-yellow bumps that can occur on the edge of your lips or inside your cheeks. Sometimes they are pale red or skin-colored. Although not as frequently, they can also appear on the genitals. These spots (also known as Fordycegranules or Fordyce glands) are enlarged oil glands.

Fordyce spots are harmless

Although they may cause concern because of their appearance, the spots are harmless:
  • They are not a sexually transmitted disease.
  • They are not infectious.
  • They only need to be checked by your doctor if they start changing.
  • Fordyce spots are natural and occur to some degree in most people.
  • The spots will often disappear in time even if you do not attempt to treat them.

But there are natural remedies

Here are five to try:
Apple Cider Vinegar is acidic in nature which can help. Mix the ACV in equal quantities with water, apply gently with a cotton swab, leaving it in place for up to ten minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.
Coconut Oil has anti-microbial properties, making it ideal for any condition with microbes such as bacteria. Fordyce spots have an accumulation of sebum, which can promote bacteria growth. Just gently rub a few drops of extra virgin coconut oil (you can add a drop of lavender essential oil) on the affected area twice a day for an effective treatment.  width=
Jojoba Oil has a composition very similar to sebum. When applied to the skin, it tricks the skin into thinking that sebum is being released, stopping the sebaceous glands from producing more sebum. Use a few drops and rub in gently, leave overnight and repeat daily for at least a week.
Keep the affected area clean and cosmetic-free by washing with a mild natural soap to prevent any bacteria forming on the skin.
Argan Oil has a high linoleic acid content and good cleansing properties. Use by rubbing two drops of the oil on your fingers till it becomes a little warm and then apply to affected area a couple of times a day for at least a week.

How common are Fordyce spots?

It is thought that some 80% of the population will have Fordyce spots. They are not usually visible in young babies and children, appearing more after the age of three, increasing during puberty and then again as we grow older. They are more obvious in men than women, with advancing age, in those with an oily skin and when some rheumatic disorders are present.