How to Avoid Nail Fungus

There are several types of nail fungus, namely
- Fingernail fungus
- Toenail fungus and
- Dermatophytes, onychomycosis and yeast (Candida)
If you have toenail fungus or want to avoid getting it, here are several toenail fungus mistakes to watch out for
Please check that the pedicurist or spa that you visit is not a source of nail fungus. You need to be assured that the staff always sterilize both the tools they use as well as the pedicure tubs for soaking you feet in before they start to work on your toenails.
- Make sure to disinfect your own shower or tub. The problem is that toenail fungus loves warm, wet places like your shower or tub. So be sure to scrub your shower or tub and disinfect it with a bleach-based cleanser regularly.
- Hoping your toenail fungus will go away on its own. As much as we would love to think that toenail fungus will disappear on its own, that is not the case. Nail fungus is usually chronic and likely to spread to your other toes and even to other parts of your body. So treating it right away is an absolute must.
- Your feet need to breath so be careful what you wear on your feet. For example, wearing tight or heavy, thick shoes like work boots are usually very moist and perfect breeding grounds for toenail fungus. And tight closed-toe shoes can also put painful pressure on your infected toenails, making things worse. Instead wear looser shoes that breathe and even better, sandals or flip flops if you can.
- Remember that public spaces like swimming pools can provide another type of breeding ground. Always wear a pair of flip flops when you visit public showers, the gym and the local pool to protect your feet from these fungus-infested places.
- Picking or digging at your toes. You might think it is okay to try to fix your toenails yourself by picking, cutting or digging at your nails to get rid of the fungus. You would be very wrong, possibly causing even more damage by spreading the fungus to your other nails and possibly causing an infection in your nails.
- Not paying attention to your diet. This is because diet plays an important role in eliminating fungal conditions. Take care to include more probiotics in your diet while reducing or eliminating sugar, dairy products and vinegar.
Treat your nail fungus symptoms with an all-natural remedy
Regular topical solutions will often only treat the outer part of the nail and skin around it but not the fungus itself.
H-Nail Fungus Formula works by reducing the fungus in the nail bed. The product is concentrated with a deep penetrating anti-fungal action. For extra benefit, add a drop to the bath water. When used as directed, the formula will reduce the symptoms of nail fungus such as discoloration so that your finger nails and/or toenails are restored to their former healthy appearance.
Varade RS, et al. Cutaneous fungal infections in the elderly. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 2013;29:461.
Gupta AK, et al. Improved efficacy in onychomycosis therapy. Clinics in Dermatology. 2013;31:555.
Westerberg DP, et al. Onychomycosis: Current trends in diagnosis and treatment. American Family Physician. 2013;88:762.
AskMayoExpert. Fungal nail infection (onychomycosis). Rochester, Minn.: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; 2017.
Nail care. Natural Medicines. (Accessed August 17, 2021).
Gibson LE (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. June 6, 2017.