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How to Help Treat Plantar Fasciitis if This is a Problem for You

You may be used to the word plantar being connected with warts - plantar's warts - but this is something different.  This condition appears as pain on the bottom of your foot - around the heel and arch and you will usually find that: 
  • Any pain is usually much worse when you start walking after sleeping or resting.
  • The pain feels better during exercise but returns again after resting.
  • It an be difficult to raise your toes off the floor.

What causes plantar fasciitis?

It is caused by straining that part of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes.  Unfortunately, it is not always clear why this happens but it is more likely to occur for these reasons:

  • If you are over the age of 40.
  • If you have recently starting exercising on a hard surface.
  • If you have been exercising with a tight calf or heel.
  • If you have been overstretching the sole of your feet during exercise.
  • If you have recently started doing a lot more walking, running or spending time standing.
  • If you wear shoes with poor cushioning or support.
  • If you are very overweight.

Apparently when you walk your feet can roll in as they drive you to the next step.  This motion is called pronation and excessive pronation can cause pain in the foot and elsewhere.  Look for pronation orthotics (specialist insoles for the shoes) to help you to align your feet correctly to the ground to give stability and support.

Such insoles comfortably support your feet, correctly aligning the bones and preventing the pain.  These insoles are used in closed shoes and should be worn for a few hours a day to start with until the feet become accustomed to the improved support.

How can you treat this foot condition?

 Here are things you should do!

  1. Rest and at the same time, ensure your foot is elevated on a stool.
  2. Apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel on the painful area for up to twenty minutes every two to three hours.
  3. Make sure to wear shoes with cushioned heels and good arch support.
  4. Use insoles or heel pads in your shoes (suggestions above).
  5. Try regular gentle stretching exercises.
  6. Include exercises that do not put pressure on your feet - a good example is swimming.
  7. Consider adding turmeric as a supplement to your diet as this is a natural painkiller.
  8. If the pain and discomfort become too much, painkillers can be helpful - examples include paracetamol or ibuprofen - or a prescription gel from Ibuprofen.
  9. Try to lose weight if overweight.

And then there are those things you should NOT do!

  1. Don't walk or stand for long periods.
  2. Don't wear high heels or tight pointy shoes.
  3. Don't wear flip flops or backless slippers
  4. Try not to walk barefoot on hard surfaces.

It is worth treating your plantar fasciitis if you can

But see your medical practitioner if there is no improvement within a couple of weeks especially if the pain is severe or stopping you from doing normal activities or if you have any tingling or loss of feeling in your foot. 

Another reason for seeking medical help is if you are diabetic as any foot problems can be more serious.  You may be referred to a physiotherapist or a podiatrist for exercise suggestions and more.



Plantar fasciitis injury status influences foot mechanics during running - ScienceDirect

 Prolonged Standing at Work | Blogs | CDC