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How to Tackle Cellulite


This very common but harmless skin condition causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen - and is most likely to appear in women.

How do you know when you have cellulite?

Cellulite looks like dimpled or bumpy skin - often described as having a cottage cheese or orange peel texture. 

  • When the condition is slight, you will only be able to see it if you pinch your skin in an area where you have cellulite, such as your thighs. 
  • When it is more severe, skin appears rumpled and bumpy with areas of peaks and valleys.

Cellulite is most common around the thighs and buttocks, but it can also be found on the breasts, lower abdomen and upper arms. 

Did you know that more than 80% of us have cellulite?

How can you help to prevent or deal with cellulite?

What can you do about that collection of fat cells that push up into the skin's upper layers when it starts to appear - or even before that happens?  

We share our top ten natural tips for this...

 1.  The warm and cool water method.  To prevent the appearance of cellulite, you should shower those affected areas for two to three minutes using warm water - and then for the same amount of time using cold water.  This will help your blood circulation, boost cell renewal while improving your metabolism.

2.  But before you take that hot/cold shower, dry brushing is one of the top methods to use to increase blood circulation while improving skin quality, using a bristle brush to massage your affected areas three times a week for about five minutes. This method will increase blood circulation and boost the lymph nodes while gently exfoliating the skin.  Always dry brush in circular movements starting at the ankles and working up towards your heart.

3.  Follow up with a body oil to nourish and pamper your skin.  Our Simply Body Oil is perfect for this step.  This luxurious body treatment instantly improves the skin's natural moisture. It deeply hydrates, softens and enhances the look of the skin providing nourishment and promoting radiant skin.


4.  Being well hydrated is very important too so drink plenty of water every day to help remove toxins from your body as well as for preventing further cellulite.  Water can boost the strength of collagen as well as connective tissues in the skin, making the skin healthier and firmer as well as helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.  If you need a change from water, diluted lemon juice, herbal teas and fresh vegetable juices can be drunk while avoiding tea and coffee as much as possible.

Natural Oils

5.  Massage is another tip for cellulite prevention by enhancing lymphatic drainage as well as stretching the skin tissues which in turn helps to stretch out the cellulite.  You can use the Simply Body Oil above as part of the massage process, repeating regularly for good results. 

6.  Sweaty Exercise helps to reduce stress while simultaneously expelling toxins through the skin, helping to improve your overall appearance by tightening and lengthening so that if cellulite occurs, your overall body appearance will be more flattering.  At the same time, there are some leg exercises that can help in tightening the skin around your thigh region and these include: 

  • Jump squats
  • Step-ups 
  • Glute/leg kick-backs and
  • Side-to-sides

H-Cellulite Formula

Try to follow a regular workout routine to combine strength training and aerobic exercises.  Such a combination will help to burn fats while building muscles and improving your overall skin elasticity. 

7.  Include those foods in your diet that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and other beneficial nutrients..  Examples of these foods are salmon, cilantro, parsley,  buckwheat, nuts, grapefruit and apple cider vinegar.

8.  Natural exfoliants can help to improve skin texture, stimulate the blood circulation while flushing out toxins.  Seaweed is one such natural exfoliant while coffee grounds can be effective for removing dead skin cells and regenerating brand new skin cells.

9.  Check your salt intake as too much can lead to puffiness and water retention while eating plenty of fiber and whole grain foods such as bran and oatmeal will help to improve circulation.

10.  Our H-Cellulite Formula is a 100% natural solution for cellulite, helping to get rid of symptoms by sealing in moisture and promoting suppleness.  Made from pure essential oils and expeller pressed precious oils which include properties that work to improve the texture and tone of the skin, diminishing the appearance of cellulite when massaged well into the affected area.  H-Cellulite Formula promotes suppleness, while moisturizing the skin and helps to increase the firmness of the top layer of skin.  






Donejko M, et al. (2014). Influence of caffeine and hyaluronic acid on collagen biosynthesis in human skin fibroblasts.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4206198/. (Accessed, Feb 15, 2021)

El-Domyati M, et al. (2016). Microdermabrasion: A clinical, histometric, and histopathologic study. DOI:
doi.org/10.1111/jocd.12252 .(Accessed, Feb 15, 2021)

 New and improved laser and light treatments take aim at cellulite, fat, tattoos, wrinkles and sagging skin. American Academy of Dermatology. https://www.aad.org/media/news-releases/new-and-improved-laser-and-light-treatments-take-aim-at-cellulite-fat-tattoos-wrinkles-and-sagging-skin. (Accessed, Feb 13, 2021)

DiBernardo BE, et al. Subsurface laser and radiofrequency for face and body rejuvenation. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2016; doi:10.1016/j.cps.2016.03.009. (Accessed, Feb 13, 2021)