Top Tips to deal with Migraine Headaches

Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have discovered that one in six people around the world has a headache on any given day - with almost half of these headaches being migraines.
That same research also found that it was women rather than men who experienced more migraines. Some 17 percent of women were affected by migraines while the smaller 8.6 percent of men suffered from the same problem.
How long do migraines usually last?
- Migraine attacks usually last anything between four hours and three days.
- Migraines can be very debilitating and many sufferers will struggle to function normally when they have a migraine.
- Migraines can have a significant impact on daily life, affecting someone's mental health, relationships and their working life.
The level of care for migraine sufferers will vary worldwide
There are several issues when dealing with the care of those with migraines:
- Firstly, a slow or no diagnosis with such diagnosis often taking several years.
- Secondly, the lack of access to specialist care with the majority of migraine sufferers never getting to see a headache specialist.
- And thirdly, a lack of access to new types of treatment.
What causes migraines?
While the exact cause of migraines is not known, it is believed that genes play a role – around half of all sufferers have a close relative who experiences them too.
Some of the triggers are:
- hormonal changes: women’s menstrual cycles for example.
- emotional: when stress or anxiety is the cause.
- physical: the result of tiredness or poor-quality sleep.
- dietary: for example certain foods and drinks.
How can migraines be helped?
A migraine is more than just a headache. It’s a complex neurological condition that can cause a variety of symptoms. If you suffer from migraines, you don't need to be reminded of how painful it can be.

Some Tips to Deal with Migraine Headaches
- Find a quiet and dark place to rest. Sensitivity to light and sound is one of the most common migraine symptoms. Finding somewhere quiet and dark will help you find relief from the pain and discomfort - and can alleviate stress. When resting, pay attention to your breathing by taking slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm. Your stomach should rise with the inhale and fall with the exhale to help you relax.
- Hydrate well. Most of us know that dehydration can cause headaches and even migraines. But if you can hydrate sufficiently, you can reduce and possibly even prevent headache pain. If you are not in the habit of regularly drinking enough water, increasing your intake may both help reduce your migraine pain and prevent repeat attacks.
- Caffeine could be helpful too. A cup of coffee may help stop a migraine. In fact, many over-the-counter pain relievers contain caffeine because it can enhance the effects of the medication. Be wary of drinking too much as more than one cup of coffee could set you up for a caffeine withdrawal headache later. It is good to be aware that those with migraine who use caffeine more than 3 days per week may develop a dependency. This can lead to more headaches. Moderation is key with caffeine, but it can help many find relief.
- Address teeth grinding or excessive chewing. Studies have pointed to excessive chewing possibly being linked to more headaches and even migraine while other research has found that tension headaches and migraines were more common in those who chewed gum frequently. Also, be aware that if you clench or grind your teeth while sleeping, this could have a similar effect.
Meditate. Known links to migraines include extreme stress, a change in sleeping habits and even strenuous physical activity. The techniques of deep breathing and relaxation exercises can lower stress levels thereby shortening the duration and severity of migraine pain. Regular meditation and stress-reduction strategies can also help prevent migraine from developing in the first place.
- Try a relaxing massage. Massage treatments have been found to be successful in cutting headache pain. As well as the head, massages on the feet, hands and earlobes can also help relieve migraine pain.
- Eat ginger. According to studies, ginger has been found to reduce migraine pain significantly in just two hours, as well as reducing the nausea and vomiting that might be associated with migraine.
- Take medication. Medications are the first thing many people look to when they have a headache, and migraine headaches are no different in this sense. There are many products that can help relieve migraine pain. These can include over-the-counter pain relievers and more targeted prescription therapies but if you want to avoid taking medication, then avoiding triggers is key.
- Recognize triggers. You will need to identify and avoid things that can trigger your migraine. One way is to keep a journal of what you ate or what you were doing when a migraine developed so you can look for patterns. Everyone has different triggers and these can range from sleep patterns to certain foods.
- Treat migraines quickly. If you wait too long before addressing your migraine symptoms, they can become more difficult to overcome. Get to know the signs of the onset. These signs (known as prodromal symptoms) can include: sensitivity to light or sound; mood changes such as irritability, anxiety, or euphoria; trouble concentrating; food cravings, usually carbohydrates and fatigue or yawning.
- Make a treatment plan. Such a treatment plan should include: identifying the type of migraine you have; identifying and avoiding triggers; taking steps to promote good overall health, including getting enough sleep and eating well; staying hydrated; identifying medications and other strategies to help prevent migraine; establishing a plan for acute migraine treatment and talking to your doctor about when to seek additional help.
Part of your treatment plan should include H-Headaches Formula
The Formula provides natural symptom relief for all types of headaches including tension, cluster and migraines. The Formula (just a few drops) is applied topically by massaging into the temples and the back of the neck to quickly relieve the symptoms.
Headache: Hope through research. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (Accessed, Feb 13, 2021).
Migraine information page. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. (Accessed, Feb 13, 2021)
Bajwa ZH, et al. Acute treatment of migraine in adults. (Accessed, Feb 13, 2021)
ABC's of headache trigger management. American Migraine Foundation. (Accessed, Feb 13, 2021)