Drinking Tea or Coffee Several Times a Day Could Be Good for your Health

Do you enjoy a cup of tea or mug of coffee on a regular basis?
If you do, you could be lowering your risk of (a) dementia or (b) suffering from a stroke.
Recent studies have found that two to three cups of coffee or three to five cups of tea a day could cut the risk of a stroke by a third and dementia by twenty eight percent.
And if you combine those cups of coffee and tea, you could cut those risks in the same way.
More about that research
Yuan Zhang, from the Tianjin Medical University in China, was one of the researchers on the study. He says:
"Our findings suggested that moderate consumption of coffee and tea separately or in combination were associated with lower risk of stroke and dementia."
He goes on to caution that the study is an "observational" study, meaning that it is possible that there could be another reason why tea and coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from strokes and dementia.
However, Mr Zhang believes the science would point to coffee and tea conferring a benefit for those two common neurological disorders - disorders that result from damage to the brain, spinal column or peripheral nerves.
What health benefits do tea and coffee contain?
They both contain large quantities of natural bioactive chemicals, especially polyphenols.
In previous research, they have been shown to be high in health benefits including cutting the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
When is it a good idea to drink tea?
Today, there are so many different types of tea and each one can help to alleviate a definite problem or help with specific moods...
Chamomile - for stress or to help you sleep more soundly.
Lavender - this is another one to help with insomnia.
Lemongrass - to help with anxiety and depression.
Tart cherry - this is another one to help with anxiety.
Green tea - if you are feeling especially tired.
Black tea - to improve your energy levels and wake you up!
Indian Masala Chai - to help improve positivity.
Peppermint tea - for when you are feeling uneasy.
Ginger - to help when you feel uncomfortable.
Lemon, Orange or Ginseng - to help to calm you when you are angry.
Turmeric - for restlessness.

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