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Health Blog

  • Is Constipation Causing Concern?

    Constipation can be a very uncomfortable condition to endure whether you are an adult or a child and if not addressed promptly, can lead to hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
  • Don't Avoid Climbing Those Stairs

    Stair climbing is a unique form of exercise that can have a powerful and positive impact on your health over time.

    Like regular walking, climbing the stairs every day is key to improved health.

  • Your Hardworking Hands Will Thank You For Your Care

    Most of us are fortunate indeed to have two strong hardworking hands that are kept busy throughout the day and yet, do we give their welfare a second thought?

    Whether we are doing the household chores, working in the garage or the garden or subjecting our hands to lots of water, we do need to give them some TLC (tender loving care) – and regularly.

  • How to Avoid the Dangers from Falling

    Falling can become a real problem especially as you age.

    It is said that one third of those over the age of 65 will fall at least once a year.

    Over the age of 80 and that can rise to fifty percent.

    Accidents involving falling are the second biggest cause of death by accidental injury - only exceeded by road accidents.

    We share some suggestions on how the reduce the risk...

  • Type 2 Diabetes and Could Regular Brisk Walking Lower the Risk?

    Researchers have found that those who walked faster than 1.86 miles per hour were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.  Find out more about this important research...
  • Are Your Bathroom Towels Providing a Breeding Ground for Bacteria?

    I wonder how often you wash your towels?  There is a big debate going on about this subject especially as you may well think that as towels are only used to dry clean bodies (straight after a shower or a bath) or clean hands (after they have been washed, do they need to be washed that often?

    But it is not as simple as that..

  • Your Bathroom Habits Can Make a Difference

    It is good to know, for your own good health and wellbeing, that there are better ways to actually have a bowel movement. 

    And this advice affects everyone because the average person will have at least one bowel movement each day.

  • A Flight of Stairs Can be Your Friend!

    In an earlier post, we wrote about how climbing the stairs was good for your heart health.  In fact, if you can make the effort to climb just fifty stairs each and every day, this action could slash your risk of heart disease by twenty percent. 

    We pointed out that many people (as they get older) try to avoid stairs, often choosing to move into a home without stairs if they can when a flight of stairs can actually be your friend!  

  • How To Form A New Habit More Easily

    We would all like to be efficient and organized in our daily lives.  And one of the ways we can do this is to start and keep new habits.

    We share some suggestions on how you can make this happen...


  • Top Ten Tips for Heart Health

    Sadly, heart and circulatory disease is very common in the Western World causing many early deaths.

    But there is lots you can do to help your heart achieve a healthier status.

    We share our top ten tips here...

  • Why Walking in the Rain is Good for You!

    If you ever get caught in a rain shower while out walking, don't be in too much of a hurry to cover up with raincoat, hood and umbrella!  It is actually good for you to soak up some rain on your hair, your face and your skin.

  • Arthritis and How It Can Affect Your Knees

    When you have arthritis, the knees are often one of the areas most affected. 

    In some sufferers, it becomes serious enough to warrant a knee replacement of one or even both knees.  But in others, doing the right sort of exercise can be extremely helpful...