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Health Blog

  • Is Constipation Causing Concern?

    Constipation can be a very uncomfortable condition to endure whether you are an adult or a child and if not addressed promptly, can lead to hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
  • Sprinkle Sesame Seeds on your Food for all their Health Benefits

    Sesame seeds are considered to be full of health benefits as they are high in energy while full of many nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins so essential for wellness.  Find out about even more health benefits and how you can add them your daily diet...
  • Natural Relief From Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids are surprisingly common with three out of every four adults experiencing the pain and discomfort of this skin condition during their lifetime.  It is the swollen veins in the rectum and anus that lead to this pain and discomfort.

    We share information on the different types and their symptoms along with our top ten tips on how to help to heal those hemorrhoids...

  • All the Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

    One of the easiest ways to include a healthy addition to your diet is through the use of apple cider vinegar which is produced during the apple cider fermentation process.

    We share all the benefits together with the different ways to include this apple cider vinegar in your daily diet...

  • Boost Your Immune System To Avoid Flu & Other Viruses

    Many of us know that our immune system is important to our well being but are we doing enough to boost this immune system?  Find out more.
  • Six Top Tips to Help Improve Your Sleeping Habits

    We all know how important it is for us to get a good night's sleep, helping you to improve your help, boosting your mood and your brain function, keeping your heart healthy, reducing your stress levels and even helping to maintain a healthy weight.

    If you can get a good night's sleep, you will have a win/win situation.

    But so many will suffer from insomnia, finding it hard to go to sleep or waking up several times during the night. Others will lie awake for hours or wake up too early unable to get back to sleep again.

    How can you improve your sleeping habits so that your quality of life is restored once more?

    We share six tips for better sleep...

  • Don't Avoid Climbing Those Stairs

    Stair climbing is a unique form of exercise that can have a powerful and positive impact on your health over time.

    Like regular walking, climbing the stairs every day is key to improved health.

  • Your Hardworking Hands Will Thank You For Your Care

    Most of us are fortunate indeed to have two strong hardworking hands that are kept busy throughout the day and yet, do we give their welfare a second thought?

    Whether we are doing the household chores, working in the garage or the garden or subjecting our hands to lots of water, we do need to give them some TLC (tender loving care) – and regularly.

  • How to Avoid the Dangers from Falling

    Falling can become a real problem especially as you age.

    It is said that one third of those over the age of 65 will fall at least once a year.

    Over the age of 80 and that can rise to fifty percent.

    Accidents involving falling are the second biggest cause of death by accidental injury - only exceeded by road accidents.

    We share some suggestions on how the reduce the risk...

  • Bananas Come Ready Wrapped and Full of Benefits!


    We all know that saying about "An apple a day keeping the doctor away"!  Well a banana has even more to offer than the apple.  Find out about all the benefits that eating bananas can provide...

  • How You Can Use Coconut Oil for Improving Your Dental Health

    Many of us will think of coconut oil as a useful good fat, and especially in baking, while others are starting to learn about the numerous health benefits when consumed.

    But did you know that coconut oil can be a wonderful tool in caring for our teeth and gums too?

  • Type 2 Diabetes and Could Regular Brisk Walking Lower the Risk?

    Researchers have found that those who walked faster than 1.86 miles per hour were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.  Find out more about this important research...