What causes warts on body? Why am I getting body warts?
What are warts?
Warts are small, hard, benign growths on the skin caused by highly contagious agents. They come in different types:
- Common warts (Verruca vulgaris) are often seen on the hands and are skin-colored bumps with a rough surface, making up 70% of non-genital cutaneous warts.
- Flat warts (Verruca plana) are often seen on the backs of the hands and the legs with smooth, flat-topped, yellow-brown papules.
- Intermediate warts are a combination of common and flat warts.
- Subungual and periungual warts appear under and around the fingernails or toenails.
- Plantar warts (Verruca plantaris) occur on the soles of the feet and look like very thick callouses.
- Mosaic warts are a plaque of closely grouped plantar warts.
What do warts look like?
Warts are small, benign growths that appear on the skin. They often have a rough, bumpy texture and can be different colors, ranging from flesh-colored to dark brown or black. Highly contagious agents cause warts, which can appear on any body part. Some common places for warts to appear to include the hands, feet, and face. They can be small or large and may occur singly or in clusters. View our wart photo gallery to see what different types of warts look like.
Can warts be treated?
Yes, warts can be treated. Several wart treatment options are available, depending on the type and location of the wart and the person's age and overall health. Some standard treatment options for warts include over-the-counter creams and ointments, freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen, and burning the wart with an electric current. In some cases, a healthcare provider may recommend removing the wart surgically. It's essential to follow the treatment plan recommended by a healthcare provider to ensure the best possible outcome.
Why am I getting warts on my body?
Anyone can get warts, but they are more common in children and young adults. Warts are caused by highly contagious agents that can quickly spread from one person to another. Warts spread through direct contact with the agent and indirect contact with a surface contaminated. For example, if someone with warts touches a surface and then someone else touches that surface and then touches their skin, they can become infected with the agent. Warts can also spread via contact with items contaminated with the wart agent, such as towels, shoes, or socks. Finally, having a weakened immune system can make you more susceptible to warts, so people with conditions that weaken the immune system, such as HIV, may be more likely to develop warts.
Will wart go away by itself?
A wart can go away on its own, which can take several months or even years. In most cases, warts will not go away without treatment. This is because the highly contagious agents that cause warts are resilient and can remain on the skin for a long time. Even if the wart itself disappears, the agent may still be present, and it can cause the wart to come back or spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, it is generally best to treat warts to get rid of them as quickly as possible and prevent them from spreading. Several effective treatment options are available, including over-the-counter medications and procedures performed by a doctor.
What are the Do's and Don'ts of Wart Care
Here are some do's and don'ts of wart care:
- Do keep your warts clean and dry.
- Do cover your warts with a bandage or piece of duct tape.
- Do avoid picking at or scratching your warts.
- Do avoid walking barefoot in public places, such as communal showers or swimming pools.
- Do avoid sharing personal items, such as towels or shoes, with someone who has warts.
- Do consult your doctor about any conventional or natural treatment plan. First, you're pregnant or nursing - or if you're treating a child.
- Don't touch, scratch, or pick at your warts, as this can cause bleeding and infection and spread the wart agents to other parts of your body or other people.
- Don't share personal items with someone with warts, as this can also spread the wart agents.
- Don't walk barefoot in public places, as this can expose your feet to the wart agents that causes warts.
- Don't try to physically remove a wart by burning, freezing, or cutting it off, as this can cause scarring or other complications.
- Don't ignore your warts if they are painful or spreading, as this may indicate the need for treatment.
If you are unsure how to care for your warts, it is best to consult a doctor. They can provide personalized recommendations and help you develop a plan for managing your warts.
- You should never try to physically remove a wart on your own such as trying to cut it off, even if you have just one wart. Warts can spread quickly, resulting in even more warts and possible infections or scarring.
- You should not scratch or pick at warts as this can cause bleeding, infection, and spreading.
- You should always consult your doctor about any conventional or natural treatment plan. First, you’re pregnant or nursing - or if you’re treating a child.
How warts might have been removed in ancient times!
If you are interested in the history and folklore of warts, read about this old Chinese remedy to treat warts. While it was most commonly used for plantar warts, it could also be used for warts on the hands. Users of this method would have needed to
- They used a smoke box filled with the smoke from the burnt leaves of the Populus euphratica tree. Find Populus euphratica leaves and dry them out.
- Light them on fire in a controlled environment outdoors and let them burn for a few minutes.
- Cover them, so the lack of oxygen snuffed out the flames.
- Carefully placed their hands or feet about six inches over the smoldering leaves, letting the smoke infuse the area where the wart was for at least 15 minutes.
Great care was needed. And not something most of us would want to try these days.
Although warts can sometimes be painful, irritating, and embarrassing, the good news is that there are many treatment options available these days, both conventional and natural, so if you’re wondering how to get rid of warts, read on!
And one of the best ways to prevent and treat warts is by focusing on immune system boosters such as vitamin C and zinc-rich foods and beverages loaded with probiotics - like kefir. We set out further below supplements and other internal options.
How to get rid of warts with conventional products
- Skin-peeling liquid
One of the most common ways of breaking down those layers of skin (that make up a wart) is to apply a topical solution that contains salicylic acid. You can choose between prescription solutions and over-the-counter versions, which will work similarly.
- Freezing (cryotherapy)
This procedure is carried out by your medical practitioner and involves swabbing or spraying liquid nitrogen onto the wart and the surrounding area. It will take three to four sessions to achieve success. A higher success rate can be achieved if you pair the cryotherapy with a salicylic acid application.
- Duct tape
Placing a strip of duct tape on a wart for a prolonged period can kill it off. This is because the wart is being starved of oxygen. Ideally, the tape needs to be kept on for six days in a row. On day six, the skin should be soaked in water, and the wart can be gently rubbed down with a nail file or pumice stone. The tape should be left off overnight and reapplied for another six days. The process needs to be repeated until the wart has gone. However, if it’s still there after two months, it might be best to try another treatment. We do not recommend this form of therapy.
- Wart Surgery
Wart removal surgery is usually considered minor surgery and involves cutting the wart away or laser surgery. Of course, surgery can often be painful and lead to scarring.
- Immune Therapy
Medications or solutions stimulate your immune system to fight viral warts. This might involve your doctor injecting your warts with a foreign substance (antigen) or topically applying the antigen.
- Wart Laser Treatment
Laser surgery uses an intense beam of light or laser to burn and destroy the wart tissue. The evidence for the effectiveness of laser treatment is limited. It can also cause pain and scarring.
A word of warning. There can be problems with conventional treatment methods as follows:
- With freezing or cryotherapy, you may need repeated treatments with side effects of pain and swelling.
- Electrocautery can also mean pain and swelling afterward.
- While surgical excision is usually accompanied by local anesthesia, you may still experience pain after surgery.
- Laser treatments are expensive and usually suitable for very pervasive and treatment-resistant warts. Side effects can include permanent scarring as well as pain.
But whether you have warts on your hands, feet, or elsewhere on your body, there are also ways to get rid of them naturally. H-Warts Formula is a 100% natural and cruelty-free topical solution.
How to get rid of warts with more natural methods
There are several natural remedies that you can try to get rid of warts. These include:
Banana peels and garlic can work on warts. First, place 2 to 4 drops of thuja tincture or tea tree oil on the wart. Then either cut a piece of banana peel, place it over the wart, and tape in place OR cover the wart and surrounding skin with a thin layer of olive oil and apply a slice of fresh garlic and tape.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV). This can be used as a natural wart remover by soaking a cotton ball in the ACV and applying it directly to the wart. Cover with a bandage overnight, repeating as long as necessary until results are visible.
Silver nitrate is available as a solution or ointment, which you then apply to the wart as instructed.
Zinc is also known as an ointment you apply to the wart twice daily for three months. Another topical option is distilled water containing 5% to 10% zinc sulfate which should be used three times a day for four weeks.
Last but by no means least is our own H-Warts Formula which is safe and gentle to use on warts wherever they appear on the body. The Formula is all natural with NO harmful additives and can be used for adults - and children over four years - for a simple and fast-acting result.
How supplements and other options can be helpful
There are no specific supplements that have been proven to prevent warts. However, boosting your immune system can help prevent warts and other infections, so supplements that support immune function may be helpful. Some examples of supplements that may support immune function include vitamin C, zinc, and probiotics.
It has been found that many wart sufferers may have a zinc deficiency. The oral form may be particularly effective in wart sufferers with zinc deficiency. For viral warts, the recommended dosage is 10 milligrams of zinc sulfate per kilogram by mouth daily (up to 600 milligrams total daily) for two to six months.
Certain antiviral herbs such as elderberry, astragalus root, and echinacea can help the body fight off warts as they inhibit development while boosting the immune system. Here are some suggestions, their dosage, and their reputed benefits. Always consult your medical professional before starting any new regimen.
- Olive leaf extract (500 milligrams twice daily) is a natural antiviral and antimicrobial.
- Garlic (one drop twice daily) has antiviral properties.
- Echinacea (300 milligrams twice daily) can help boost immune function and fight the cause of warts.
- Selenium (200 micrograms daily). A selenium deficiency can cause warts to replicate.
Particular food and beverages can help, including those rich in vitamin C, high zinc food, probiotic foods, leafy green vegetables, high-selenium foods, and raw cheeses.
Talking to a doctor before taking any supplements is essential, as they can interact with medications and other supplements, which may not be suitable for everyone. Additionally, it is always best to try to prevent warts by avoiding direct and indirect contact with the agents that causes them.
Changes in lifestyle choices are another suggestion. These include:
- Being careful not to go barefoot in public locker rooms, showers, and pool areas.
- Avoid contact with anyone else's warts.
- Avoid scratching or picking at your wart to avoid infection and spreading.
- Make sure to dry your hands thoroughly, as warts thrive in wet environments.
- Avoid brushing, combing, or shaving those areas where warts are present, as this can cause them to spread.
- Wash your hands thoroughly after touching warts.
- Keep items like clothing and towels that may come into contact with warts away from others in the home.
- Washing clothing and socks frequently.
With a healthy lifestyle, consistent natural treatment, and some patience, you can eliminate warts and significantly decrease the likelihood of their unwanted return.
American Academy of Dermatology. How do dermatologists treat warts?. https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/contagious-skin-diseases/warts#treatment. (Accessed May 26, 2021).
American Academy of Dermatology. Warts. http://www.aad.org/dermatology-a-to-z/diseases-and-treatments/u---w/warts. (Accessed May 26, 2021).
Kwok CS, et al. Topical treatments for cutaneous warts. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD001781.pub3/abstract. (Accessed May 7, 2021).