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Health Blog

  • And Then There are More Sleeping Facts to Make You Think!

    In a previous blog post, we share several interesting sleeping facts but we found there were so many that would include even more in a second instalment.

    So here they are...

  • Top Tips to Reduce the Risk of Dementia

    The term dementia covers a group of symptoms that affects memory, normal thinking, communicating and the ability of a person to reason.  It sadly interferes with daily life and as it progresses, can make it difficult to perform even daily simple tasks such as bathing and eating.

    We share top tips to help to prevent dementia in the first place...

  • Natural Solution for Varicose Veins

    Varicose veins can lead to a lot of discomfort when the swollen and enlarged veins occur on the legs and feet. They may be blue or dark purple, and are often lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance.
  • How Much Hydration Do We Really Need?

    For many years, we have all been encouraged to drink eight glasses of water daily to ensure we are well hydrated.
    Now scientists and researchers are having second thoughts on this long held belief...
  • Gardening is the Perfect Natural Remedy for Anxiety and Much More

    Although it is always more pleasant to garden in warmer weather, don't let the colder times put you off - it is not about how cold it is, but more about wearing the right clothing!

    It's clear that gardening for mental health is more than a passing trend. Here in the UK, doctors are even prescribing gardening for that very reason, helping those with mental health problems escape from the pressures and stress of everyday life.

    We share all the many benefits from regular gardening.

  • Slow Down that Aging Process with these Top Ten Tips

    While many people in the Western World can now expect to live for far longer than ever before, we need to ensure that our extra years of life are spent in as good health as possible to ensure our continued independence and quality of life.

    We share our suggested top ten tips to slow down that aging process.

  • What are the Early Signs and Symptoms of the Perimenopause?

    We read and hear a lot about the menopause these days but perhaps not so much about the more subtle signs and symptoms of the perimenopause - that stage before the menopause when ostrogen levels begin to fall.

    In fact, they can be so subtle that you might miss them altogether and not realize what is happening to your body.

    In this post, we set out below some of those easy-to-miss and early signs and symptoms of the perimenopause...

  • Something New to Try, Eccentric Exercise!

    You might be used to the term Concentric Exercise but now there is something new - Eccentric Exercise.

    But what is eccentric exercise?  How can you benefit from it?  And how can you incorporate it into your own exercise regime?

  • Trees Provide So Many Benefits Including Helping to Reduce Risk of Dementia

    We have written before about the wonders of trees in particular and nature in general but now new research is pointing to an additional benefit, telling us that living near trees may help reduce the risk of dementia.   Find out more...
  • Treat Arthritis Symptoms Naturally

    Arthritis is a condition that affects many of us and, as we get older, we worry about the symptoms causing more pain and discomfort.  We share some ways on how these symptoms can be alleviated.
  • Don't Let your Brain Just Drain Away

    Do you spend a lot of time in front of a screen, keeping up with your workload?

    Do you feel totally exhausted by the end of your working day?

    Does this mean that you feel you should do nothing more after work except curl up on the sofa before you go to bed?

    Answering "yes" to these questions could mean that "brain drain" is slowing you down and leading to fatigue.

  • How to Help Treat Plantar Fasciitis if This is a Problem for You

    You may be used to the word plantar being connected with warts - plantar's warts - but this is something different.  This condition appears as pain on the bottom of your foot - around the heel and arch.  We share the reasons why and what can you do to help...