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Foot Problems - and How to Solve Them



If you suffer with your feet - perhaps from one condition or another - what can you do about it?

We share the different ways your feet can be affected and how you can remedy the situation.

It is the least we can do for our hardworking feet that carry us forward day after day!  It is estimated that our feet average some 110,000 miles during our lifetime.

Here are the top five common foot conditions 

Athletes foot with the medical name of Tinea Pedis

The signs and symptoms of Athletes Foot are:

  • Itching, burning and stinging feet.  This unpleasant fungal infection will often appear between the toes.
  • Foot blisters with dry, cracked and split skin.
  • Crumbly toe nails are another symptom.

Athletes foot is very contagious and is often picked up on the feet in wet environments such as public shower rooms, swimming pools and gym changing areas. 

Other causes can be neglecting to change your socks regularly, not drying between your toes properly after bathing or showering, suffering from especially sweaty feet as well as not ensuring your feet enjoy some fresh air regularly. 

Our H-Athletes Foot Formula can be used to treat this fungal infection successfully.  This unique topical homeopathic formula is natural and safe, relieves the itching and burning and other symptoms in the comfort of your home.



When you run, walk or stand for long periods of time, wear shoes that are new or don't fit properly or you have very sweaty feet, you can end up with blisters - those fluid filled raised pockets of skin.

Blisters are not usually serious and can be treated fairly easily at home.  Don't be tempted to burst a blister yourself, it is best to let them heal naturally by letting the air get to them.  Only cover if it it makes a blister more comfortable when having to wear footwear. 


Corns and Callus

Round circles of thickened skin on the soles of your feet or on the toes can be the sign of corns and can be caused by shoes that don't fit correctly, bunions, hammer toes or a condition known as Morton's toe.  While corns are harmless, they can be very painful if left untreated.

On the other hand, a callus is a hard layer of skin that builds up - usually on the soles of the feet and around the ball and heel areas. While a callus is not as painful as a corn, it can still be uncomfortable. 


Ingrowing Toe Nail

Toenails that grow into the surrounding skin are known as ingrown toenails.  They can be caused when you have nails that curve, your nails have been poorly trimmed, you have compressed toes or you have suffered an injury to your toes.  There are also genetic reasons for ingrowing toenails.

Mild cases of ingrown toenails can cause discomfort and tender skin around the nail. These cases can be treated at home with warm soaks and topical antibiotics if needed.

More severe ingrown toenails that may not heal on their own or become infected (with redness, bleeding, pus and pain) should be treated by your medical practitioner who may even recommend surgery to remove the ingrown toenail.

Find out even more about ingrowing toenails here


Plantar Wart (also known as a Verruca)

A wart on the bottom of your foot is a common condition known as a Verruca which is caused by the human papillomavirus and is transmitted in moist environments like locker rooms and swimming pools.  it is very contagious.

These warts can be very painful especially when walking as pressure is applied.. This virus is very hard to get rid of but a natural treatment such as H-Warts Formula will help you to treat this skin condition.




These are five conditions that can cause pain and discomfort for your feet, often affecting walking and mobility.   For example, if your have a corn on your foot, it will change the way you walk even slightly.  Such a small thing can go on to cause problems further up the body - in the knees, the hips, the spine and even lead to headaches and neck stiffness.

Healthy feet will mean happy feet.


Athlete's foot. (2015, September 29)
http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Athletes-foot/Pages/Introduction.aspx (Accessed Feb 10, 2021)

Barry L. Hainer. (2003, January 1). Dermatophyte Infections. American Family Physician. 67(1), 101-109
http://www.aafp.org/afp/2003/0101/p101.html (Accessed Feb 10, 2021)

Aaron DM. (2016). Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0024878/.(Accessed Feb 10, 2021)

See How to Identify Different Skin Conditions

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